i would like to know, how to perform quasi static tensile loading in lammps using addforce/aveforce commands? I have an idea. that loading has to be followed by minimization step (in a loop) to drain out the kinetic energy of the system. Here I'm applying the load using ramp(0,y) command to a selected group of atoms at one end and constraining the other end. After each load step run (for example 1000 step), I minimize the system for 10000 steps. In the next step of loading the force again starts from 0 to y value. The net result is that, in every load step run the deformation of the system starts from initial length to a certain value, which remains approximately the same for all load step run. I presume that, the load is not increasing after each load step due to the ramp command and hence the net stretching remains the same.I would appreciate if some one gives me further details on this issue or suggest a better approach using addforce / aveforce commands. Thanks