Research Question: How do educational programs within prison effect the recidivism rate?

Research Purpose:  I want to make a connection between education in prison and lower recidivism rates.  I believe that if prisoners are educated they are less like to re-offend.

A survey would be administered to a Day Reporting Center. (don't mind the amount of people ect)  

These are the questions

1: I participated in educational programs while in prison on my most previous charge?

Compared to these questions

1: I have been out of prison on my most previous charge for more than 3 years? 2:I have held down the same job since I have been out of prison?

3: I support myself?

4:I believe that educational programs in prison have helped me become more successful outside of prison?

I will use a likert scale for the answers

1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3:Agree,4: Strongly Agree.

(I go into further detail on my survey about what each answer means. But will not at this moment for it's not important to my question)

I was going to use Chi-squared, but I am now second guessing myself.  What test would you recommend.  Why?

Bonus: How would I analyze that data? 

I just completed a 15 page paper about using chi-squared and analyzing it and everything. Now I am thinking I might have misunderstood what chi-square was. 

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