When annealing PEDOT:PSS, do you just place it on a hot plate in an inert gas glove box? Some of the papers describe annealing, but don't list any details.
PEDOT:PSS is a water dispersed solution. The first annealing thin films after coating have to be done in atmosphere. The temperature is recommended around 120 to 150 degree C for half an hour on a hot plate.
If you want to make air sensitive layer on the top of PEDOT:PSS, you should bring the annealed films into a glove box filled with inert gas for second time annealing.
The reason for annealing the PEDOT:PSS films outside the glovebox is the water content trapped inside the films, which could ruin the glovebox environment. The glovebox is used for low ppm oxygen and water levels. If the films are annealed inside the glovebox after spincoating, you could see the water level and oxygen levels increased dramatically. This should definitely need to be avoided. If some sensitive to oxygen or water materials are stored inside the glovebox. If you work on organic electronic devices, this is very important. The second annealing is very good for long operating device lifecycle. For some research work, many researchers don't do it. Strictly speaking the second annealing is also important to make sure water doesn't play a role in your devices.