01 January 1970 10 6K Report

Hi all,

Until now I've relied on Merck Seccosolv acetone and methanol as a base for my freeze-substitution cocktails. Recently however I found out that Merck has discontinued the production of these solvents and currently do not have a good replacement product.

Does anyone know an other reliable source for anhydrous solvents, which do not contain phenolic compounds or remnants of molecular sieve (which both react with Osmium)?

I'm going to try out the VWR anhydrous acetone (which contains slightly more water than the Seccosolv did), If all else fails I might switch to adding acidified 2,2-dimethoxypropane (see attached paper) to spectroscopy grade acetone or methanol (I've used this to make dry acetone and ethanol for room-temperature dehydration after osmium fixation, it doesn't react with osmium). Does anyone have experience with this for freeze-substitution?

thanks for your imput!


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