I'm analyzing a dataset with Amdis. It's a big set of unknown samples ran in the same conditions, so my strategy is to match compounds across samples mainly based on the RT.
I started by setting the analysis parameters to be rather permissive with regards to the MS match (50 min match factor) but strict regarding RT (RT window of 0.2 min, strong level penalty and 70 max penalty).
The logic is that I don't expect large RT shifts between samples, so I want to identify any compound which runs at the same time and is structurally similar to my target compound.
The problem is that Amdis seems to penalize components for no reason. For example, I have a component running at 3.766 min which is structurally very similar (weighted match - 99 and 98) to two components in the library whose expected RTs are 3.763 and 4.128.
I would like Amdis to associate the component only with the first target (RT diff 0.003) and expected the latter to be heavily penalized for the 0.36 min difference. However, both got exactly the same RETENTION penalty of -20.
Screen capture:
Is this a bug? Or am I missing something?