I have been trying to understand exactly how using LASSO to build a model deals with the issues of stepwise model building. I would love to hear if I'm on the right track with this interpretation:

LASSO limits the sum absolute value of coefficients in a regression model, which prevents any predictors from being particularly influential. This deals with issues of overfitting in stepwise model building, in which predictors that are especially influential in the sample data will get high coefficients. This is a problem because these especially influential predictors are likely to only be so influential in that sample of data; in the real world it is less likely that any predictors really deserve coefficients that high. Because of this, an overfit model with extremely high coefficients on some variables will do a poor job predicting a new sample of data (which is unlikely to have those predictors be as influential as they were in the original sample).

(I know another benefit of LASSO is that it uses cross validation to find values of lambda, but I'm interested in the specific topic I mentioned above.)

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