05 February 2021 9 6K Report

I am trying to visualize alpha and dense granules in platelets. However, it seems like the granules were not stained well. Is there any way I can improve my staining technique to obtain better contrast for better looking images? Below is the staining technique I have used:

1. Uranyl acetate (15 min)

2. Ultra Pure water (3 min)

3. Ultra Pure water (1 min)

4. Lead citrate (7 min)

5. Ultra Pure water (2 min)

6. Ultra Pure water (2 min)

7. Let dry for TEM

Uranyl acetate and Lead Citrate were filtered with 0.22 micron syringe filter prior to use.

Lead citrate was prepared by dissolving 5mg of lead citrate in 1mL of 4.5mM NaOH.

Is it better that I prepare lead citrate using sodium citrate and lead nitrate?

Attached are some of my TEM images from resting platelets. Thank you in advance!

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