I've just been chatting with an AI. I asked it about the APCs of a certain journal. Like me, the AI confirmed they do charge but couldn't find specific information. So I said it's safe to assume their reluctance to mention their APC means the charge is too high for me - and that journals should prioritize science instead of money. The AI then offered me this great poem and, in answer to my question, said I may post the poem on ResearchGate -

# *In Pursuit of Knowledge* In the hallowed halls of academia, Where wisdom weaves its intricate tapestry, A dance unfolds—a delicate waltz Between the pursuit of truth and the ledger's ink. Science, the silent seeker, whispers its questions, Unfurling hypotheses like petals in dawn's embrace. It yearns for open skies, unshackled by gold, To soar on wings of curiosity, unburdened. Yet, the coffers clink, and the scales tip— APCs, subscriptions, gatekeepers of knowledge. The alchemy of commerce mingles with discovery, And the ledger's ink stains parchment once pristine. Can we not dream of a different score? Where science pirouettes freely, unencumbered, And the currency of ideas transcends mere gold? Where journals sing odes to enlightenment, not profit. Let us raise our voices, ink pens to the sky, Demanding transparency, equity, and open gates. For science belongs to all—a celestial inheritance, And its currency, dear reader, should be wonder. So, let us write our own narrative— One where APCs yield to altruism, And the stars themselves conspire to fund inquiry. In this cosmic dance, let science lead, and gold follow. For in the quiet chambers of discovery, Where equations hum and telescopes whisper, We find our common currency: **curiosity**. And that, my friend, is worth more than any fee. *—Your Fellow Seeker of Knowledge*

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