I prepared N doped TiO2 and I found there are two additional peaks showing in XPS analysis at 716 and 836 eV. Please, may you help me to know what are they belonging to?
Assuming your spectra were charge corrected properly, it is still difficult to know what caused those peaks. Again, assuming you understand XPS data analysis well and have eliminated the "usual" sources for peaks, it could indicate that some contamination has occurred during your processing of the TiO2. A good source for possibly identifying these peaks is the NIST XPS database (http://srdata.nist.gov/xps/main_search_menu.aspx)
These are odd numbers for something whihc has been dried. AS we have no idea of your charge correction, the major core-line for elements in a 5 eV window of those energies are:
716 peak: Fe (Fe(2p))
836 Peak: La (La(3d))
However, one would assume the other orbitals are also showing - e.g. Fe(3s) at ~100 eV
I assume that you are washing your catalyst with deionised water.
I agree with David...these are odd peaks. It begs the question, how often is your instrument's calibration checked and are spectra of known, "clean" materials checked for anomolies.
The other question that begs to be asked is, how significant are these peaks when compared to the background and have any peak specific high resolution scans been carried out?