I am trying to find non-English language data on 'Poster Presentation'.

1) Could anyone confirm that the simple translated terms below would be correct (as in a conference poster presentation)? These are in the 20 most popular languages, based on both the mass of speakers & the number of countries that use the language.

2) Do you know the major search engine for that language / country?

This may seem like an over simplified exercise, but for example, by entering 'стендовый доклад' on a Russian language search engine, I was able to retrieve @ 50 items of interest and achieved 154,000 hits. Ok - good old Google will give you @ 32 million hits for the same term in English, but often, foreign language data (especially that which uses a different script) is often ignored in literature searches. There are scholars out there & they have a valid contribution to make, but we often cannot access their work because they remain within their own cultural & linguistic sphere.

3) Finally, as well as provide information that helps my research, how else could I use the search method, use of simple technology and comparative results, to show the contribution that others make (but we often ignore) & how we can overcome some of the barriers to global scholarship?

It's laborious, involves lots of imprecise auto-translation, but you can get the main gist of what scholars around the globe are saying, by using a bit of simple technology ~ well, more than we can by just sticking to our own languages ;-)

1 Chinese 海报展示 (simplified) 海報展示 (traditional)

2 Spanish presentación del cartel presentación de póster

3 English Poster Presentation

4 Arabic الملصقات (البوسترات)

5 Hindi पोस्टर प्रस्तुति

6 Bengali পোস্টার উপস্থাপনা

7 Portuguese apresentação de pôster

8 Russian стендовый доклад

9 Japanese ポスター発表

10 German Poster-Präsentation Posterpräsentation

11 Javanese pengirim presentation

12 Lahnda ** no translation yet **

13 Telugu పోస్టర్ ప్రదర్శన

14 Vietnamese trình bày áp phích

15 Marathi पोस्टर सादरीकरण

16 French présentation par affiche

17 Korean 포스터 발표

18 Tamil சுவரொட்டி வழங்கல்

19 Italian presentazione dei poster

20 Urdu پوسٹر پریزنٹیشن

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