5.8m resolution is an actual resolution you can reach (e.g. min distance between two points when you can still distinguish them).
At the same time, cell size represents an interpolated pixel grid and is often way below your actual resolution. The pixel size is chosen based on the purpose of study and the size of study area. In case of large pixel sizes, problems arise in georeferencing because ground control points with desired accuracy cannot be located . Actually, to reach 5.8m resolution in your image, you'll need about 2 times smaller pixels.
5.8m resolution is an actual resolution you can reach (e.g. min distance between two points when you can still distinguish them).
At the same time, cell size represents an interpolated pixel grid and is often way below your actual resolution. The pixel size is chosen based on the purpose of study and the size of study area. In case of large pixel sizes, problems arise in georeferencing because ground control points with desired accuracy cannot be located . Actually, to reach 5.8m resolution in your image, you'll need about 2 times smaller pixels.