Leadership qualities (vision, charisma and a long list that I will share later in a separate post), effective governance and leadership, and ongoing strategic planning and implementation.
A successful manager or successful leader behind a successful organization.?
Both leader(s) and managers play a complimentary role to develop a successful organization. Reason being leader focusing on vision, mission, motivation & strategic initiatives complemented by managers that do all the needed / sync-up planning, execution, control of resources etc. to deliver a successful organization. Same analogy applies in order to move a ship forward, we need the captain (leader), officers (managers) and sailors under their care to do so. Lacking any party is less than ideal to achieve a successful organization.
Both leader and manager are important for development of organization. Because leader is responsible to lead the organization from from and manager is responsible for managing the things.
Perhaps I don't quite understand the question: should a distinction be made here between "management" and "personnel management" in a company? In my understanding, both are in one hand.
The leader is the creative person who comes in the new ways; to work to improve the work and change the course of results for the better, and the successful leader is to show his skills in the development and preparation of the plan, and the way of implementation.
In the line with my experience I can only said that Manager are born & not made . It is in this line I have my publication in the same line anyhow for organization success manager are the key role for place the organization in the business world .
With this sometime back I have my publication under the captioned '' Leaders - A social Magnet ''which I submit herewith for your kind perusal with a request to offer your valuable guideline in this respect .
The larger the company, the more the roles and tasks of the individual employees differ, the more likely it is that leaders and managers will be perceived by different people. I'm just a one-man operation. It's all identical.
A successful lader or manager can make a successful company or enterprise as he/ she knows how to manage a whole system that can be satisfactory to owners and staff members.
It is important to know more about views like what I received now
because no one can made opinion about the best combination unless he or she knows well what managers or leaders should have in term of skills and experience the position he or she hold is needed most.
many thanks dear colleagues for your valued contribution
The leader is the person who renews and innovates and is characterized by any work assigned to him, while the manager is the manager of the work assigned to him as he is working on the continuation of the wheel of work in addition to that he runs his team based on his strength and control of the functional, so successful leadership is what successful organizations need compared to management Successful.
I do not fully understand the meaning of the question and the discussion. It seems to me that a matter of course is being pronounced. What will be discussed here?
Talent is the multiplier. The more energy and attention you invest in it, the greater the yield. The time you spend with your best is, quite simply, your most productive time.”
All succesful organizations have bern driven by many factors. Obviously, the leaders/managers who influence the polucies and directions of the organization are a critical element in ensuring organizational performance.
There are so many examples of how managers/leaders have turned around organizations in trouble, Apple, IBM and Nissan just to name a few.
Obviously, there are other important factors like culture, industry and technology that will contribute to success. But all these other factors can be changed by the leaders/managers. That is the reason why leaders/managers are so important and are paid so much!
Successful leadership is the main for future and represent acor for successful......for thes successful leadership represents very important indicator for successful organization
You need them both. It all starts with a successful leader (who's giving culture and pointing to good things), but then you also need a successful manager (who's giving structure and directing the things good). Mostly these are different persons, because it's very very difficult to combine these competencies in one person
When I take a closer look at this question, I realise the question is asking whether the manager or leader contributes to successful organizations.
There are 2 possibilities hete: an organization may have a person who has the qualities of both a leadercand a manager. This person can not only envision the future of the company and bring about radical changes but can also perform managerial functions of planning, organizing, budgeting etc.
The second possibility is the top management team is made up of both leaders and managers. Both types are needed.
While both are required, I would say a successful leader first, for a successful organization. A successful manager influences how well the team performs its tasks and achieves its goals. The successful leader decides what the team should do, and what should be the team goals. Take your pick!
Successful organization needs the both: successful leader and successful manager. For the first time for the dreamer, the answer will be definitely the leader, the servant, transformational, ... one. The leader inspires his/her followers toward organization achievements, and the good for both people and organization, whereas, the manager, his/her focus is the organization. The leader see people not only has the ability to achieve the organizational goals but also has the intention to serve public good as the leader committed to do. This isn't completely true. The organization is like any community, has the good and the bad. It involves different personalities, the harder and the careless workers. This requires the manager that is focusing on doing well tasks and duties by people to achieve the mission and objectives of the organization, using the policies and procedures for settling the work standards and treating the careless.This should be beside the leader skills; motivation, communication,.. . Leader takes all needed measures to stick all workers together in team toward vision achievement, and people & organization development. Successful Leader and Successful Manager are two faces of one coin, the coin of people and organization welfare.