Hey everybody :)

I am writing my masterthesis about the influence of climate of Innovation on the innovativeness of Ideas.

The study was conducted in a company and employees could post their ideas on an online-plattform. There were two "Idea-Boxes" to sort the ideas. 1. New Working Processes and 2. New Products and Services.

I have a scale to measure product innovativeness based on Schultz et al., 2013. "Measuring New Product Portfolio Innovativeness: How Differences in Scale Width and Evaluator Perspectives

Affect its Relationship with Performance"

But with this scale it is hard to measure the innovativeness of working procesess f.e. one idea is to establish an "Innovation Team" or another idea is the use a "Cloud-saving" System. So basically in this box is every idea, which can improve the processes of teams or the whole organization.

What I need is a scale to externally measure innovativeness of working processes. So experts have to rate the ideas.

I searched for this kind of scale, but did not find any.

Thanks in advance.



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