I said no to whether or not my newest addition was peer reviewed. I gave it to a friend today for the first time. and he gave me 2 suggestions. and made one comment.Does this qualify as a peer review??? I did not think so. Please inform.
Peer review is done by professional reviewers of Journals. Even you can find them in websites like http://publons.com. Peer reviewers have specific forms to fill up and write down their comments, suggestions there. Your informal review is just a hand from a friend.
I looked at your question and the answers offered to it to satisfy my curiosity. The first thing I want to say is that I am surprised how it occurred to you to ask a question like this. It is clear to us in advance that the answer to it is 'NO, its administrative position in no way makes it more competent in the field of science'.
Since you have asked this question to the academic community after all, professional ethics does not allow me to treat it as an unimportant question.
Your question can be reformulated as follows: "Do many members of the academic community prefer to seek the opinion of high-ranking academicians in the administration rather than others?" The answer is, in practice, most often, 'YES'.
The vast majority of members of the academic community are brought up to respect (administrative) authorities. They are close to the belief that part of the social reputation of the administrative authority thus spills over to them.