I have to send some samples to US (from Italy) and the shipper we have is a LN tank with pails as the one in the first picture ('ln_1.JPG'). The problem is that the biobank that collected the samples stored them in 1.0 mL screw top tubes as the one here (https://www.fishersci.it/shop/products/matrix-1-0ml-screwtop-tubes-bulk-6/10725784). In the shipper the criovials are normally stored with canes for the tubes (https://chemglass.com/cane-for-cryovial-tubes?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1)in the pails, but these 1.0 mL tibes won't fill in and will end up floating in LN. I checked but found no cane for 1.0 mL tubes.
Does anybody had the same issue? Or any clue about how to solve this problem?
Thank you very much in advance