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Questions related to Research
In the presence of uniaxial strain, overlapping of the electron wave function at C1-N1 bonds is enhanced (atomic population becoming 1.05) and asymmetric deformation makes the spin density to...
13 May 2020 7,814 0 View
In nursing and midwifery research we often do survey studies. How can we justify that our nursing and midwifery research proposals are really research and not a quality improvement project?
11 May 2020 5,390 3 View
I am amateur RG member worked on Quantum Optics research works. My Lab setup does need to use Er or Yb doped fibers which is sensitive to the core diameters of the available Er doped fibers....
04 May 2020 8,257 0 View
i have used a validated questionnaire with cronbach's alpha of 0.8 in the originial studies. But now when i have collected my data my cronbach's alpha value is very low. What can i do now???
03 May 2020 9,765 1 View
I am a Professor of a university which is having its campuses in different parts of the globe and there are many professors in different fields. We are all taking various faculty development...
29 April 2020 5,959 1 View
Hi everyone, I was wondering if there was an optimal time for performing the follow up assessment when evaluating the long term effect of a rehabilitation technology (such as VR, robot assisted...
20 April 2020 6,116 2 View
Research question: How does working cause anxiety in college students? Hypothesis: working as a college student does increase the levels of anxiety. if I'm using the question what type of job...
09 April 2020 4,347 6 View
I performed a one way between groups anova and got a significant result for one of the variables. However, the tukeys test was not significant. Why is this not significant and what post hoc tests...
27 March 2020 1,938 3 View
I'm working on a project that relates flooding to adequate Drainage system. The project is area based (NSUKKA, Enugu Nigeria). Nusuka could be seen to have the geological features as stated above
14 March 2020 906 12 View
I'm recruiting my participants online. And I need to audio record the interview, what is the best tool to have good quality audio?
09 March 2020 6,459 5 View
I am trying to compare pre and post ifrs adoption
10 February 2020 1,359 6 View
How is organizational climate created and sustained?
03 January 2020 4,357 69 View
I am in great need of survey questionnaires that I can utilize as a reference for my study on the following areas: 1. Relational Aggression (lived experience) 2. Mental Hygiene (Level or...
24 December 2019 1,037 5 View
A country trying hard to its level best for making urbanization, industrialization and does not care about deforestation, pollution and its natural resources, what will be the end cause of that...
12 October 2019 5,470 11 View
Hi, I'm using the Hayes Process model 15 but confused with the judgement and interpretation showed in the following picture: If the IU(the mediator)is no longer significant, will it influence the...
28 September 2019 6,142 1 View
Thank you for your contributions.
27 September 2019 384 7 View
I received the reviewer comment about “testing an interaction (Step 3) based on non-significant main effect of moderating variable on dependent variable (Step 2)”. I ran a hierarchical regression...
27 September 2019 2,011 6 View
What is the current research trend in machining field? Can anyone post the answers please
20 September 2019 7,641 8 View
Hi All, I have a question regarding the choice of interaction vs subgroup analyses in the context of effect modification. If the effect modifier (e.g., sex) is highly correlated with or even...
31 August 2019 8,327 4 View
I have run an experiment that uses a 2 (between) x 2 (within) x 2 (within) design. There are 16 observations per participant. However, one of the within-subjects variables only applies to one of...
07 August 2019 695 0 View
I am conducting a dessertation on credit scoring assesment for default risk with particular insterest in using loan data from Nigeria
14 June 2019 1,621 3 View
Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity call for different ways of perceiving the world, different approaches to sense and decision making, and different modes and combinations of...
29 May 2019 366 3 View
I am using Model 58 of Hayes Process for my research. I need help to report the results in APA Format.
08 March 2019 7,649 0 View
Scope of the course should include Human Exome&Genome analyses with basic computational biology&big biological data anlyses. It also should focus on human and clinical outcomes....
24 February 2019 2,379 4 View