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Questions related to Research
I have a high aspect flexible aircraft wing of 2 meters in which I want to place 6 gyroscopes along it to measure its deflection for research purposes. I want to be able to collect all the data...
20 April 2021 3,115 15 View
I am writing my research paper and I have noticed that the moderator variables of my model are not strongly theoretically supported. Just to clarify, there are articles explaining the phenomenas...
19 April 2021 1,726 3 View
How do we Justify the " who, when, and where" conditional in the theoretical model?
18 April 2021 8,212 3 View
Dear community, Have you recently conducted focus group discussions online? How was your experience compared to conducting regular (in-person) focus group? Any advice or tips on how to...
17 April 2021 4,789 9 View
I'm working on developing guidelines to support LGBTQ parents, and I need some research evidence to base this on. For same sex couples, or where there are barriers to the gestational parent...
01 April 2021 1,223 7 View
I am working on studying the perception of menstrual leave policy amongst male and female employees. This policy has been implemented in few organisations in India and currently it is tabled in...
25 March 2021 1,312 7 View
In 2020 I had completed My M.Phil. and due to corona lockdown, I can not get a visa from the embassy so I worked on different research projects and apply for reviewing the research papers. I have...
03 March 2021 4,393 9 View
I am thinking of simulating Gamma rays in FEM software like Ansys, COMSOL, etc. I tried to see some reference papers to start with but haven't got any relevant ones. Also, I have been looking for...
02 February 2021 1,728 2 View
Using a survey I asked participants to state their top 3 choices of positive aspects of their environment (a list of 10) and top 3 negative aspects of their environment (another list of 10). Since...
26 December 2020 4,335 3 View
The following special issue of which I am the guest editor will be published in Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220, IF 3.275,, and is now open to...
21 December 2020 6,163 0 View
A young patient attempted suicide by taking 63 tabs of carbamazepine 200 mg. she was managed with CRRT - CVVH and discharged 10 days later well and couscous. data supporting the use of...
27 November 2020 7,302 6 View
In our next paper, we are interest to apply the PCA method in the tea biodiversity and it's insect pests. Are you know this process? If you interest, you will knock me please. We are searching a...
23 November 2020 7,565 38 View
My main goal is to determine the ethical dilemmas and moral distress experienced by nurses during the pandemic and how does that experiences affect their performance at work. So, Do I need to...
15 November 2020 9,164 8 View
It's a debatable issue that RCTs are conducted in very controlled environment, whereas, in clinical settings, the scenerio is quite different. Further, it's not suitable research design for all...
20 October 2020 9,340 3 View
Hi I need help regarding moderated mediation process model 7. When i run the process macro all the conditions meet well but coefficients of IV moderators becomes negative and interaction...
15 October 2020 1,198 2 View
The types of metrics and their number increase and they get more sophisticated (and some might say pervasive). Is it a rather positive or a rather negative development for academia at large?
23 September 2020 7,751 13 View
I intend to examine the impact of a variable (X) on another variable (Y) taking in panel data. I am stuck in right there and cannot make out which method would work best. Looking for a...
04 August 2020 8,251 15 View
great number of systems in the nature and in texchnological architectures contains an embedding sequence of structures. An example: galactica, star, planet, lithosphere, stratigraphy, rocks, their...
28 July 2020 490 0 View
I‘m using Mendeley, and I find it hard to now how to insert cross reference in my manuscript. I have even checked You tube and Google but they didn’t help.
24 July 2020 8,110 4 View
Suppose we have to measure how different hierarchy level affect the employee satisfaction. Eg: top, middle & lower If I have 5 questions regarding employee satisfaction and I want to compare...
19 July 2020 7,820 3 View
Interested to join the launched 'Climate and Environmental Change Network' at the biggest university and research association "Unimed" for multilateral scientific cooperation. Get more info at...
13 July 2020 1,673 1 View
Hello Researchers, While doing research, often we take information from websites. The reference of the website is needed to be included. What is the procedure for that? Again sometimes, there is...
08 June 2020 7,233 4 View
As a part of various financial research initiative, we need different types of dataset. This question is asked for identifying the online sources of financial data both free and paid version. This...
07 June 2020 6,442 6 View
Is it acceptable to have combination of both Directional and Non Directional Hypotheses in a study? This happens because there are conflicting outcome for certain hypotheses, so no direction...
28 May 2020 6,398 6 View