If you are familiar with SPSS, it will be a good choice to do it.
Otherwise, it can also be done using R programming or Python.
For doing this operation in SPSS, we need to have the data in Excel sheet (Spreadsheet) format and for the rest two programming based options, any type of data can be easily handled.
You could to use the commonplace statistical software (spss, minitab, past and so on) to do the PCA analysis or using by the specified packages in R statistical software such as ADE4 and Vegan.
you should to observe the preconceptions of parametric tests, initially. Then, you should to form the data matrix in Excel and it transfers to the statistical software according to the the relevant settings. After that, based on the relevant instruments run the PCA. Finally, you should to analyze its results (output of PCA axis).
Thank you very much for your responsed. We found a professor who is learn me about PCA analysis method and he not interest in authorship that's why select him.
I am also interested to learn from you. Please give me your valuable suggestions please about PCA method by R and SPSS.
CCA (anonical correspondence analysis) or RDA (redundancy analysis) would be a good alternative methods for identifing the correlations between response variables (such as diversity indices of tea) and independent variables (diversity indices of insects).
CCA and RDA in R is easy to perform, function cca( ) and rda( ) in package vegan would work. or check the source codes in github to make your plots looking good:
But you may need some experiences to run and debug this code.
Once, getting into statistical analysis, you may need statistical beckground knowledge, here are some papers you could follow:
- Braak. 1986 - Canonical correspondence analysis: A new eigenvector technique for multivariate direct gradient analysis. Ecology. Vol. 76, No. 5, pp. 1167-1179.
- Legendare et al. 2011 - Testing the significance of canonical axes in redundancy analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Vol. 2, pp. 269-277.
- Tan et al. 2020 - Water level fluctuations affect the alpha and beta diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in Poyang Lake, China. Fundamental and Applied Limnology. in press.
PCA is straightfoward in MATLAB, you just need to get the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix and projected your data Into a lower dimensional domain using these, you may need to scale your data to have unit variance. Interpretation of your results will be driven by the research question
PCA has multiple uses and can be performed in several statistical packages including excel, SPSS, XLSTAT, R, SAS, STATA. One of the PCA uses is indexing which we tried in the attached paper and shared for your kind perusal.
Chapter Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based Indexing
Application for Vulnerability Indexing
Article Extent of Vulnerability in Wheat Producing Agro-Ecologies of...
PCA is very common in relationschip between variables and parameters.
For exemple, you can applied this analysis using XLSTAT. See this tutorial: https://help.xlstat.com/s/article/principal-component-analysis-pca-in-excel?language=en_US.
But, in the case of qualitative and quantitative variables, i suggest CCA analysis for your data. This can give you more informations.
PCA (Principal Component Analysis) consists of three steps: (1) Standardization, (2) Covariance matrix computation, and (3) Computing the Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of the covariance matrix to identify the principal components. For detail analysis see the link: https://builtin.com > data-science > step-step
A step by step explanation of PCA by Zakaria Jaadi.
PCA essentially sorts the data according to variance in features. By considering only high variance features and ignoring others, it is possible to reduce the dimension of the data which is useful for visualizing the pattern of distribution.
PCA is mainly a dimensionality reduction method and helps to interpret a large number of variables in your dataset. This article can help you to understand and how to apply PCA to your dataset https://www.reneshbedre.com/blog/reverse-complementary.html