The study of chance processes or the relative frequency characterizing a chance process. | Contact experts in Probability to get answers
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Questions related to Probability
I am implementing a SARSA(lambda) model in C++ to overcome some of the limitations (the sheer amount of time and space DP models require) of DP models, which hopefully will reduce the computation...
20 December 2016 8,093 2 View
Three fair coins are thrown at the same time. Each coin has Head (H) and Tail (T),From this experience we know that, there is no difference between the results -for example- HTT, THT, TTH,What's...
12 December 2016 8,894 6 View
Si bien en general mi investigacion gira en torno a como el poder y la ciencia van de la mano y como si uno no investiga desde las torres de poder es muy probable que sus investigaciones por muy...
12 December 2016 8,409 3 View
xi = a1 * xi-1 + b1 mod 2n yi = a2 * yi-1 + b2 mod 2n pi = a3 * pi-1 + b3 mod 2n qi = a4 * qi-1 + b4 mod 2n Bi = 1 if xi > yi else 0 Ci = 1 if pi > qi else 0 Zi = Bi xor Ci In this case what...
12 December 2016 1,401 18 View
Which equation (14 or 15) in the paper (attached in the link) gives us the average outage probability?
12 December 2016 1,361 2 View
In the context of finite two-player games we say that a mixed strategy equilibrium is uniform if the pair (u,v) of mixed strategies is equilibrium and both u and v are uniform i.e. they assign...
12 December 2016 5,903 5 View
12 December 2016 5,804 2 View
I want to model a proportional variable bounded by [0,1] (the % of land fertilized). A high percentage of the data contains 0s (60%), a smaller percentage contains 1s (10%), and all the rest...
12 December 2016 7,486 10 View
01 December 2016 5,895 17 View
Let G(N,p) be an Erdos-Renyi graph, where N is the number of vertices, and p is the probability that two distinct vertices form an edge. If I plot 1-b0/N over log(p), then I obtain a curve which...
24 November 2016 6,632 3 View
The question with proper formatting ( The log likelihood ratio of two binary random variables $x$ and...
11 November 2016 6,452 3 View
Am I correct in saying that a hyper-finite frequentist account of probability would require not just absolute convergence of relative frequencies in the absolute limit but an absolute arithmetic...
11 November 2016 336 1 View
Has it even been proposed that just as evettianism claims to solve the measurement problem (of orthogonal outcomes) by having both outcomes occurring in a different world, that likewise the wave...
11 November 2016 10,030 6 View
If the agents are considered free in their betting behaviour within the confines of the decision theoretical proofs of the born rule in everettianism; would this not be also analyzed (under their...
11 November 2016 4,689 1 View
Probably the recombination sites of backbone are recombinant between them
11 November 2016 894 1 View
Mackysinki , and others (see wilce in stanford encylopedia) define two events to A and B to be equivalent iff P(A), s)=P(B,s) for all is callsed: "outcome-separating" (see Four and a...
11 November 2016 5,638 2 View
Are there any analog's of villegas atomless constraint to provide a unique probability representation for finite systems, by embedding infinitely many finite systems together (as if they are...
11 November 2016 10,064 1 View
i need clarifications on taylor's series expansion or lagrange transformation in obtaining the probabiolity distribution from aprobability generating function via the above mathods.
11 November 2016 956 0 View
So, we treat the universe as a big sofware desinged by God in God's 'computer', which is also designed by God, and natural phenomena, for example, electron defraction, could be attributed to the...
11 November 2016 2,359 4 View
I am trying to find out association between risk and disease (education and reporting of NCD) of populations in three different areas (i.e. in spatial context).There are six population groups....
11 November 2016 2,620 4 View
Probably a bacterial symptom
11 November 2016 6,751 0 View
How can i use inverse probability weighting for non-ignorable missing data?
11 November 2016 4,475 0 View
11 November 2016 964 3 View
This approach is mentioned in the following articles: How to get the probabilities P(R) and P(0)?
12 October 2016 9,418 1 View