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Questions related to Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
By Koopman's theorem we can calculate EA and IP directly from HOMO and LUMO energies. When I go through internet, it was found that Koopman's theorem is useful only for HF? But I would like to...
04 April 2015 5,423 10 View
I m working to calculate optical constants from transmittance spectrum (VIS-IR). Film thickness d can be determined from the formula: 2nd=(m-l/2)lambda where l=0,1,2...etc and m is the order...
04 April 2015 1,600 3 View
In general the rough estimation can be done using f = 1/(2pi)*sqrt(k/M_reduced), with K is the restoring force. For the case of complex glasses (e.g. Chalconides or Oxides glasses), How can I...
11 March 2015 2,699 9 View
How does the ground state splitting in a mode locked laser effect the pulse width of the laser?
03 March 2015 5,291 1 View
In the article 'Nonadiabatic Tunnel ionization: Looking inside a laser pulse' Yudin and Ivanov give a closed-form analytical expression for the ionization rate, which is valid for arbitrary values...
03 March 2015 996 1 View
I find used or new (second hand) crystal plate for Nicolet Smart Perfomer single reflection ATR - ZnSe or Ge (the same is used in Spetra-Tech Foundation Thunderdome). In the Czech Republic is very...
03 March 2015 2,286 0 View
Hello. There is an instument with HighZ load and this is connected via 50 Ohm BNC cable to Oscilloscope(OSC) with several impedance selections (HighZ, 75 and 50 Ohm). People say I can choose 50...
21 February 2015 8,650 10 View
Hello. For typical spherical lens, calculation of the focused intensity for the laser is simple: numerical number gives diffraction limited focused radius of the laser thus everything is...
16 February 2015 1,122 5 View
DFT, nonlinear optics
12 February 2015 2,399 1 View
I have a LASER with following specs: Nd:YAG mode-locked 300 ps,10 Hz repetition rate, 30 mJ peak energy. What are the different properties of a material that can be studied using this laser?
04 February 2015 2,403 4 View
02 February 2015 1,539 6 View
02 February 2015 8,806 11 View
If possible can you provide me with some matlab codes? If not possible in MATLAB, please suggest a simple software I can study the carrier dynamics of the p-i-n diode. I would like study the...
02 February 2015 3,424 1 View
Thanks in advance for your replies.
02 February 2015 5,906 3 View
i would like to measure the XRD peak strain?
02 January 2015 3,105 1 View
In the doping , if the impurity atoms size higher the host atoms size ,shifting in X-Ray peaks ? or it depend on the dopant concentration also?
30 December 2014 8,287 18 View
An explanation is sought from the view of interatomic forces and interactions between seed crystal and the molten target material.
19 December 2014 919 1 View
When calculating the critical power of self-focusing is requaired nonlinear refractive index, but my search didn't lead to success. Is there any information about it value?
04 December 2014 8,151 6 View
Why are we likely to overestimate the weight fraction of Ni from the WDS spectrum of a specimen containing Ni and Ag?
01 December 2014 3,991 1 View
Definition of effective nuclear charge is quite obvious. But, for example, If I take Fe atom and average out all the effective nuclear charge for 1s to 3d , it will give me another number. What...
27 November 2014 5,048 5 View
You see, the superposition phase of L (quanta of orbital angular momentum light) with minus L could be calculated with a pattern of Pi and 0. But for different L (like 2 and -3), how do you...
26 November 2014 5,954 2 View
It is well-known that the angular momentum operator Lz is the generator of rotations. However, while the operator exp(-i Omega t Lz / hbar) performs a rotation of vectors R (position) and P...
08 November 2014 3,312 3 View
I have recorded FTIR spectra for my biological sample. I would like to convert the spectra to reflectance mode . Is there any conversion formula ?
08 November 2014 2,164 7 View
can we take SEM/TEM/AFM image from o/w or w/o microemulsion?
27 October 2014 8,629 1 View