11 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from 情熱的 研究者
Hello, I recently received metagenomic 16S rRNA gene sequence data from a company, which includes both raw reads, and clean data with barcodes removed. My goal is to analyze these sequences and...
24 June 2023 7,066 9 View
Please suggest a company that offer bacterial genome analysis starting from submission of the genome sequence in GenBank to genome annotation, reports of gene predictions and functions etc.
11 November 2021 6,612 3 View
For example, all Golgi membrane proteins of C. elegans. I already checked NCBI database.
04 April 2020 5,062 0 View
I actually have two queries. Biochemical studies suggested presence of an enzyme in an organism but the gene encoding the enzyme is not known. I would like to find out gene candidates based on...
01 April 2020 3,465 2 View
In many articles I found this description for protease enzyme assay using culture supernatant: "One unit of protease activity was defined as that amount of enzyme causing an increase in absorbance...
17 May 2019 5,142 4 View
Does rain water drain away root associated bacteria or soil bacteria? If so, what can be the percentage of washed out bacteria? Any study? Thanks in advance!
17 February 2019 145 6 View
Can bacteria isolated from the gut of a marine fish be termed as marine bacteria? In other words, are these bacteria regarded as bacteria of marine environment?Are such bacteria similar to those...
08 February 2019 8,707 17 View
Preparation of Chromazurol S (CAS) agar media requires a lot of ingredients. Chromazurol S is also pretty expensive. Is there any alternative that is easier for the detection of siderophore...
04 February 2019 2,384 7 View
Do bacteria grow in soil that remains under water all the time? Or, are bacteria growing under water all anaerobes? If not, where from do they get O2 if there is not much agitation for O2 to be...
18 January 2019 6,740 7 View
or, microtiter plate?
26 March 2018 5,751 4 View
I am just wondering which of the two methods: by measurement of light absorption at 280 nm or by the conventional Folin calorimetric method at 660 nm, are preferable for protease assay. Or, both...
22 June 2017 383 6 View