14 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Zhongkui Liu
Hi, I am dealing with a particle impact on substrate by adopting explicit algorithm with ABAQUS/Explicit software. The total energy for the whole model get constantly increased when particle...
17 December 2020 6,197 0 View
Hi, When there is only a single analyze step in my job, multi core processor can successfully be used to run it. However, when the job have more than one analyzing step, multi core processor can...
03 July 2020 5,036 1 View
I wanna know the basic theory inside of it. Take Contact Stress for example. I extract the node values from the field output variables domain, what does this nodal contact stress really mean? Use...
09 April 2020 7,623 0 View
In ABAQUS, we know that part is constituted by node and element. Can I hold such a opinion that material property works on different regimes? Interaction property is performing on node or...
08 March 2020 945 0 View
In ABAQUS/Explicit, we could choose General Contact interaction algorithm. In this interaction, there is a part named "contact domain". In this part, one named " all with self". and the other one...
23 February 2020 7,969 1 View
I am investigating Al6061 related research right now, and I need to input mechanical parameters like density, specific heat and so on, these parameters should be inputted different values based on...
10 February 2020 9,288 3 View
When using ABAQUS, how to simulate or impose materials' tensile strength in my simulation? The second problem is that what is the meaning for the normal stress in "damage" interaction? Thank you.
18 January 2020 7,554 0 View
Hello all, I am doing a 2D impact simulation with Abaqus software. The basic content is a spherical particle with velocity impact on a substrate. However, based on the animation, the particle and...
06 October 2019 5,865 0 View
Karpp RR. Prog Astronaut Aeronaut 1993;155:223. Above is the information shown in the reference part in the paper I am reading now. I even couldn't find the name of this reference. The content in...
02 October 2019 2,626 2 View
I am trying to do a impact analysis through workbench explicit dynamics. I establish the model in Explicit Dynamics and mesh it at first, and then, I go back to the project schematic page and...
26 June 2019 1,209 3 View
I am using ansys workbench R19.3 now, while, I can only find a explicit dynamics component in it as a complete analysis unit, autodyne is just a solver, and I cannot find ls-dyna. What is the...
17 June 2019 2,334 13 View
Imagine that, when we use a high speed object to impact on a target/substrate, when the velocity high enough, the object might bond with the substrate. However, how to define the normal bonding...
01 January 1970 1,700 0 View
Recently, I am doing a research about impact dynamics. During the process, I found that stress wave performs a critical role in the impingement. Therefore, can anybody give me some basic level...
01 January 1970 2,041 0 View
In ABAQUS, when you conducting a impact simulation, major process was happened on normal direction. For example, we set up 22 as the normal direction and let one particle impact on a substrate...
01 January 1970 8,061 0 View