14 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yosuf Saqib
In a stab or gunshot wound, is peritoneal violation alone (without any intra-abd. organ injuries) an indication for laparotomy? Previously I was under the impression that any time a non-sterile...
19 June 2020 3,623 12 View
Infection and hyperparathyroidism are known causes of resistance to therapy with erythropoietin (EPO) in anemia of chronic renal failure. Do we know the mechanism behind this?
09 February 2020 5,771 0 View
According to the latest guidelines, displaced rib fractures on their own do not need to be surgically corrected unless they produce ongoing pain, etc. My question is, how do these displaced...
21 January 2020 487 3 View
Is it safe to say that every single individual who begins having a seizure (out of hospital) should have EMS called and be taken to the Emergency Department?
12 December 2019 9,702 11 View
In the case of urgent/emergent hemodialysis, where the patient does not have an AV fistula in place, what is the best site to use for hemodialysis (e.g. internal jugular)?
03 October 2019 5,861 5 View
I understand that generally in caustic ingestion, upper GI endoscopy should be done within 24 hours. But I also know that interventions that may induce vomiting, like sticking an NG tube down the...
01 January 1970 1,857 2 View
Obviously a brain abscess is a very serious condition, but CT-guided biopsy of the brain is also very invasive. Must brain abscesses always be biopsied? If so, is it because the consequences of...
01 January 1970 9,547 3 View
Abscesses in most places have to be drained. Does the reason we do not usually aspirate/surgically drain lung abscesses have something to do with the lung being well-vascularized?
01 January 1970 4,927 1 View
Obviously malnutrition is a major issue in the Rohingya refugee camps. What other health concerns are at the top of the list in terms of their threat to the communities?
01 January 1970 1,327 4 View
We are seeking to identify the major barriers Parkinson's disease patients face in obtaining care for mental health issues. What are the major gaps in treating mental health disturbances in this...
01 January 1970 8,126 3 View
Ice/cold therapy is often used for acute inflammation. However, patients with arthritis often report pain relief with warming of the joints, and exacerbation with cold conditions (E.g. cold...
01 January 1970 7,727 7 View
The signs and symptoms of malaria are quite nonspecific - one of the few real distinguishing features is its periodic febrile paroxysms. Hence, what should be the basis for administration of...
01 January 1970 9,346 3 View
I understand that in general you must biopsy an abscess before initiating empiric antibiotics. However, given that ovarian abscesses usually do not need to be biopsied, are there any locations in...
01 January 1970 6,783 3 View
Diarrhea can cause metabolic acidosis while hyperemesis can cause metabolic alkalosis. Does this, along with other electrolyte differences between diarrhea and vomiting, necessitate different oral...
01 January 1970 7,381 4 View