10 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yonas Zeslase Belete
As recent studies show, the high % global warming causes by gas emissions (CO2), mostly from industries. Can the CO2 turn into a valuable product/to reuse? How? for what can use? Any suggestion.
21 January 2021 5,458 2 View
Can you help me to elaborate some mechanisms to control the gas emissions from factories, and is that possible to liquefy the gas and use as valuable products ( such as fuel sources, oil,........)?
28 June 2018 3,971 6 View
I have prepared the initial concentrations with 10, 40, and 100 ppm of NH4+-N which is prepared from the NH4Cl and water. I have done an adsorption experiment using char and it gave me that the...
01 March 2018 6,464 6 View
Pyrolysis method versus hydrothermal carbonization method
21 February 2018 5,729 5 View
I need to measure BET surface area of hydrochar powder. But I am sure that which size of particle can I use to get high better BET surface area. (Not the amount of powder but I mean size of the...
11 January 2018 8,521 4 View
I am looking for adsorbent from waste sludge, which will use for gas adsorption. The adsorbent is hydrochar (which is produced by hydrothermal carbonization, HTC). So, can you suggest me that the...
03 January 2018 4,928 7 View
My sample is powder of hydrochar which is prepared from activated sludge and I want to activate with KOH. So, can you recommend me at what temperature and nitrogen gas flow rate is good for...
05 November 2017 3,960 2 View
Assume we have a hydrochar adsorbent with high BET surface area and pore volumes. This adsorbent, I want to use for the CO2 or H2S adsorption from the biogas. How can I know the hydrochar...
19 October 2017 4,690 13 View
The sample is hydrochar powder and I want to determine the contact angle. So, can you help me on this issue?
01 August 2017 8,483 1 View
Anyone can suggest to me, software that helps for techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment for energy generation from wet-organic waste using thermal treatment. Thanks.
01 January 1970 6,901 4 View