34 Questions 98 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yaozhi Jiang
One of my skills is making dialectical logic mathematically, why is interest of people almost not with dialectical logic? In my discission ahout dialectical logic replys are less and less. I don't...
08 August 2019 8,010 7 View
Author has two books, the one of books titiled"mathematical foundation for dialecticval logic" is to making dialectical logic mathemnatically and another book titiled "dialectical logic K-model"...
07 July 2019 1,787 1 View
I want an academic press to publish my mathematical book titiled "Mathematical foundation for dialectical logic,-An introduction for making dialectical logic mathematically", Who can help me?
06 June 2019 5,157 1 View
To solve any problem by machine is harmful to mankind, a super powerful intelligence will be "a new creature", that is not easy to controll by mankind.
02 February 2019 8,524 4 View
Objective world consists of matter, energy, time, space, and objective information. Subjective world only has subjective information. What is logic? I think that subjective logic is mapping image...
01 January 1970 8,459 24 View
As a famous example, logic takes an important role in science and technology within human beings' resaerches. However, AI with ability to thinking but without logic is impossible to understand....
01 January 1970 2,628 6 View
Thinking and reasoning is action in cranial nerve of human beings, this action is making the information come from objective world be analysed and treated, and restored into established memory...
01 January 1970 2,856 4 View
Many persons believe of artificial intelligence along logic line will take the road to ruin, they adhere to neuro-network is main way to artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence includes...
01 January 1970 6,843 8 View
Mathematics is a basic domain to study laws on number and configuration, and mathematics is an important and convenient tool for researching, thus making all subjects mathematically is a main...
01 January 1970 9,500 3 View
In researching for dialectical logic, author introduced a new concept, contradiction entropy, from Boltzmann entropy and Shannon entropy, to express the degree of disorder or order, active or in...
01 January 1970 6,042 6 View
Objective information is natural information, subjective information is the information treated by mankinds' sense organs and brain or man-made instruments. Mankind holds objective information...
01 January 1970 5,773 2 View
As a recognition method, neural network is superior and powerful, especially in image-recognition, but as a well-known method whether neural network can solve the causality reasoning or not? If...
01 January 1970 6,522 5 View
Neural network is an important tool for AI, artificial intelligence, but AI seems to be trapped in the quagmire of developping slowly only depend on neural network, Can neural network solve AI's...
01 January 1970 7,893 18 View
Ethics is logic to control words and deeds of AI(artificial intelligence), as a tool of mankind, how to rule AI do not injure mankind is a nesessity. If yes, what things we will be going to do?...
01 January 1970 9,523 16 View
Without loss generality, people thinks the philosophy as a knowledge about world ideology, axiology, methodology. Philosophy researches on origin of world, on science in sciences, and on...
01 January 1970 7,647 70 View
At all times someone argues againist another on virtues and evils in ethics, then what parts of ethics are there? Actually the virtues and evils of mankind is controlled by some rullers, or by...
01 January 1970 9,834 14 View
There are two problems: 1) the logic is judged by true-or-false, and the ethics is judged by good-or-evil, therefor are there a kind of logic named by ethical logic? 2) In generality most of...
01 January 1970 4,959 3 View
As an important tool in AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning depends on a large number of methods, such as neural network, support vector machine, deep learning, and so on. But in all of...
01 January 1970 5,272 4 View
Is it neccessary to make AI is full-similar to intelligence of humans? Or it is more beneficial to humans to make AI only a tool enough to finish works assigned by humans?
01 January 1970 9,384 15 View
As we known mankind trends anti-jungle-law via maximizing existence conditions, then matured AI, artificial intelligence, will trend jungle-law in the future? How to treat with this situation is a...
01 January 1970 651 1 View
From view position of human beings: time is measurement to processness of variety; space is measurement to domainness of variety. Then if from AI's view position, what is time and space?
01 January 1970 8,795 2 View
If AI, artificial intelligence, with self-programming and self-recorrecting will become into a new creature, and the new creature will have self-evolving, then whether the new creature will be...
01 January 1970 4,665 6 View
Full-home service robot is full-function home service robot, it can do cooking, washing, nursing, and so on. Is AI strong enough to apply in home service?
01 January 1970 4,389 6 View
Before computer occurrence, Godel had said that AI will not take over human beings, but nowadays more and more evidences and researches show that AI will take over intelligence of mankind. whether...
01 January 1970 3,777 9 View
The three steps: sensation is the first step to sense objective information into machine; recognition is the second step to conceptualize the information transformed in into concept-dividings,...
01 January 1970 5,564 3 View
there is a paradox of parents-children in law or ethics: if children never be requested to whether she/he agree to be born or not, then how many responsibilities may parents bear for them? As...
01 January 1970 5,443 13 View
The famous Turing's test is: under double-blinded condition, to test AI, artificial intelligence, whether mankind or AI by judges of human beings, if more than 30% of judges of human beings...
01 January 1970 9,980 6 View
It seems that a problem about semantic recognition in artificial intelligence, what about the details of the argument?
01 January 1970 6,730 5 View
The Forbidden Law is that: in artificial intelligence there must be no emotion, because of if emotion program is embedded in then the artificial intelligence will has consciousness against the...
01 January 1970 3,662 11 View
Deep Learning has proved its powerful in recognition technology, and is Deep Learning only an optimized algorithm? Or it is also a all-powerful tool in main fields of artificial intelligence?
01 January 1970 7,738 7 View
Because of AI is a self-evolving system, then does it can introduce a safety problem to mankinds? If true, how to deal with? If not, why?
01 January 1970 9,349 13 View
Since Deeplearning born, AI has taken a great progress in developing, and compare with hope of mankinds, it seems that AI developing speed is more slowly. AI winter is well on its way, is it true...
01 January 1970 969 6 View
We can say that philosophy is the science from sciences, but someone said, philosophy is a generalized logic in natural essence, do you agree this proposition?
01 January 1970 4,375 2 View
The process of research and study are actions to determine law or seek truth from natural phenomenon or big data by mankinds self or artificial intelligence. The sort of action will making...
01 January 1970 7,585 8 View