13 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vrushali Kashinath Chimankar
I have H&E stained slides of lungs from mouse models of lung cancer. I was wondering if I can calculate tumour volume or area from the H&E stained slides. Thank you. Vrushali
09 September 2017 1,123 1 View
I am interested in finding transcription factors binding to promoter of a virus, Merkel cell polyomavirus. I got several factors with varying dissimilarity. Is there any criteria that can be used...
05 May 2016 755 2 View
I want to align promoter sequence of a small T antigen and large T antigen of virus (merkel cell polyomavirus). I am aware that for human genome we generally subtract and add 1 kb from genome to...
10 October 2015 8,136 1 View
I have some data from my MSc dissertation which I am thinking of publishing but I am not sure how to publish a paper eg how to choose a journal, impact factor etc. Can anyone provide...
02 February 2015 565 6 View
I am a postgraduate student and have completed MSc in Medical genetics. I intend to apply for PhD in future and my current interest lies in analysing missense mutations for their pathogenecity. I...
01 January 2015 7,229 3 View
I have a exome sequencing data of parents and their child. We are trying to identify the candidate genes responsible for some abnormality.I have never used CLC genomics workbench. Do I need a...
10 October 2014 3,410 4 View
Hello everyone, I am supposed to use CLC Genomics workbench to perform trio analysis to find candidate gene responsible for rare disorder. Can anyone help me in generating Workflow in CLC Genomics?
10 October 2014 8,186 2 View
I have a graph generated from Globplot which I cannot understand. The only thing I can understand is that there is a continuous stretch of disordered region from approximately residue number 800.
08 August 2014 7,643 2 View
I wanted to see the h bond interaction within a protein so I used swiss pdb viewer. Generally it gives only green dotted line as h bonds, but it also gave purple colored dotted line. Can anyone...
08 August 2014 1,823 1 View
I read an article where an intrinsically flexible protein was crystallized using chaperon (here chaperon is a protein that helps to stabilize other protein) . i was wondering what would be the...
08 August 2014 7,620 5 View
I am trying to analyse APC gene. I used blast to get multiple sequence alignment. How many sequences should I choose to input in Align GVGD. Is there any criteria?
07 July 2014 6,106 1 View
I tried using I-TASSER, ROSSETA, and RaptorX but all of these deal with proteins having less that 2000 residues. I am trying to analyze an APC protein which has 2843 amino acids.
06 June 2014 3,909 10 View
Hello everyone, My current project involves identification of mutations in the tumours of cigarette smoke induced lung cancer mice models. I am interested in studying gene expression patterns...
01 January 1970 9,093 2 View