10 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vladimir V. Lugovoi
Can an electron and a hole have one common coordinate y_0 of the center of the quantum orbit in a two-dimensional semiconductor in a magnetic field? (if they have the same or opposite directions...
17 January 2020 5,259 8 View
What is the average density of excitons on a two-dimensional semiconductor in an external magnetic (and without magnetic) field? What is the dependence of this density on the magnetic field B?
13 January 2020 420 2 View
Does the negative energy of two-particle quantum-mechanical interaction always mean attraction between these particles?
18 December 2019 4,208 6 View
Does tunneling mean that in a certain area a real photon turns into a virtual one, and then turns into a real one again? Could this lead to observable (vacuum) effects? However, a photon (unlike...
25 August 2019 584 4 View
Could we say that a conduct electron and a hole can have equal each other their wave functions and y_0 coordinates of centers of their orbitals on 2D in a magnetic field? This is because the...
22 December 2018 6,660 0 View
Quantum Hall Effect can be observed, if magnetic energy (Landau levels) is more than electric energy (that is, (mobility) x (magnetic field B) > 1 , see Klaus von Klitzing - Nobel Lecture, page...
12 September 2017 1,752 1 View
Where, in the quantum approach, the calculations of the coulomb interaction and the exchange interaction between two conductive electrons on two-dimensional surface (with high conductivity) in...
04 September 2017 5,961 1 View
Please, I very need only in the number, not the references to book or common words.Please, consider a photon as the quantum of electro-magnetic field, and thus, as carrier of magnet field. Thank...
27 April 2016 4,648 43 View
Can anyone explain the following experimental results: Graphene can be stretched elastically up to 20%; it has high brittleness (like glass), if deformation exceeds 20% [Science 324,...
12 May 2014 926 1 View
In the semiclassical approximation, at an electron gas temperature T, the electrons can overcome the mutual repulsion energy Е_{Coulomb}=e^{2}/r getting closer to each other up to the minimal...
01 January 1970 9,132 3 View