15 Questions 27 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vk Singh
can someone please explain me in simple physics that why spin-orbit coupling is relativistic?
31 January 2019 4,756 5 View
Generally band E-k band diagram of a material look like parabolic type. However this is not the case in the TIs. Why bands in TIs are like this (Fig. shown)? Is it due to spin-orbit splitting...
21 December 2018 8,514 9 View
Can someone help me in etching TGMR? I try chemical etching but not able to etch it. Is there another way?
26 July 2018 1,031 1 View
When I do magnetic measurement (M-H), the slope of M changes from negative to positive on cooling sample from room temperature. the slope starts changing around 40 K. Can somebody tell, what is...
22 July 2017 7,349 3 View
1) How one can describe short range and long range ferromagnetic ordering by analysing M(T,H) data? 2) is superexchange always short-range order? 3) how to idetify the type of exchange interaction...
19 July 2017 976 3 View
I am interested in oxides materials having very high dielectric constant. Can somebody suggest me some materials? Thank you
07 April 2017 8,088 2 View
I am using Si(111) substrate . Can somebody please explain me how can I find high symmetry direction in my sample? Thank you
26 January 2017 4,011 5 View
I want to measure sheet resistance of thin film. when I measure the resistance by multimeter, it shows 0L (??). can I measure its surface resistance? secondly, I have confusion, that which...
28 June 2016 5,647 7 View
Researchers are very excited for TIs which show some unique properties such as spin momentum locking and large spin-orbit interaction. they say spins are 100% intrinsically polarized in TI. I have...
09 June 2016 2,618 11 View
Both paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials show linear dependence of magnetization with applied magnetic field. could anyone please tell me how to differentiate these two? any other...
30 May 2016 7,570 18 View
Please explain in simple way. Thank you
13 January 2016 4,068 3 View
How to measure thickness of thin film using AFM? I have see some people have determined thickness of thin film using AFM. I have also tried but found that thickness is changing with changing the...
26 November 2015 1,309 22 View
It has been reported that topological insulator are characterized by time reversal symmetry. Could any one explain this in simple way? what is the effect of magnetic field on topological...
23 April 2015 5,707 8 View
I know that spin-orbit interaction is between spin and electrons' motion in the orbit. why these two interact? why spin-orbit is always relativistic?
01 January 1970 4,014 3 View
We are trying to sputter a metallic target. We can clearly see the plasma however after depositing for more than 30 minutes there is no deposition on the substrate. What can be the reason for...
01 January 1970 4,150 4 View