11 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Veera Manikandan R
Bar graphs don't inform adequately. They just represent the mean and the standard error. We need to know even more from the graphs. In fact, the bar graphs starts from 0 at the bottom, which...
26 April 2015 7,755 9 View
I have a very basic question. In genomic analysis we deal with coordinates. But I am little confused with the understanding about coordinates numbering system between positive and negative strand....
19 December 2014 2,125 1 View
Suppose if I want to screen variants that are present upstream in promoter region of a set of genes, till what extent I can search for variants upstream of each gene. Can the threshold be a common...
09 December 2014 1,902 6 View
I have GWAS data from Ilumina platform (The HumanOmni2.5-8 (Omni2.5) BeadChip). The data is in Plink format. When i tried imputation with IMPUTE2 i got a concordance rate of around 50 percent,...
16 August 2014 5,107 2 View
Can anyone suggest a method to calculate a sample size to study an effect of epistasis between two polymorphisms over a clinical phenotype (ex: drug response). Suggestion of any reference will be...
03 June 2014 1,884 2 View
Lets say I am analyzing a genetic polymorphism data where I have genotyped 120 cases and 50 controls. I guess it is not statistically right to compare a larger number of cases to fewer controls as...
01 June 2014 6,025 7 View
Validating logistic regression models. I derived a logistic regression model for predicting clinical response to a drug. I have two groups: responders and non-responders, classified according to a...
29 May 2014 1,597 6 View
We are aware that most of the genetic association studies are under-powered just because of the fact the sample size is inadequate. The major reason for the power to be small is because, in most...
03 May 2014 9,953 6 View
In genetic analysis, the allelic odds ratio is calculated from a 2X2 table where the counts of the cells are derived from genotype counts. Just wondering in that case how to adjust for the effects...
08 November 2013 3,555 1 View
Is there a standard formula to calculate the percentage of agarose gel to be cast ?
03 January 2013 7,511 11 View
Many alternatives are available commercially, including non-tox, fast-blast, EZ-vision, Redsafe-DNA, etc. but I am not sure which is best. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any suggestions?
02 January 2013 6,893 87 View