13 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vasundhra Bahl
I need to add NiCl2 to PBS for an assay but it causes turbidity, possible due to precipitates of nickel phosphate. is there a way to prevent this?
21 July 2016 7,415 1 View
I am testing MCF -7 cells for lipoxygenasev activity but cant find any literature that reports the specific activity that these cell have. Any input will be appreciated. Thanks
30 June 2016 831 2 View
I am running an experiment to detect ammonia produced in a biological system die to the action of an enzyme using the Berthelot reaction. It seems like the addition of detergent NP-40 to my...
22 June 2016 9,035 2 View
I am growing MCF-7 cells and after 4 hours of thawing and putting in a flask, the cells are still floating. I am worried because this is an adherent cell line and should not take this long to...
18 June 2016 4,292 3 View
I need to perform accelerated stability calculations for cytochrome c and NADH. I have lyophilized samples stored at different temperatures for different time. How can I obtain the percent...
04 May 2016 1,303 2 View
is there a particular chemical that can be used to block the oxidation of leucomethylene blue to methylene blue at pH 7.4?
07 April 2016 5,601 0 View
If fluorescence based detection is used for estimation of enzyme kinetics, is it still possible to use Beer Lambert law? Will it still be valid since detection is not based upon absorbance by a...
11 March 2016 1,181 7 View
I am running an assay to look for activity of mitochondrial complex 1 in isolated mitochondria. Reaction mix has a pH of 7.4 with 3mM EDTA, 3mM NaN3 and -.3% BSA along with ubiquinone and NADH. ...
09 March 2016 309 3 View
I am running an assay for activity of mitochondrial complex III. Most protocols use sodium azide / KCN as an inhibitor of complex IV to prevent re oxidation on cytochrome c. However, on addition...
08 March 2016 921 1 View
I want to check the activity of complex 1 in isolated mitochondria (frozen), I have not added sodium azide or antimycin A to the reaction mixture. I did not observe any change in the abs at 340...
04 March 2016 454 4 View
Is it possible to measure the reduction of Cytochrome C by Complex III, by measuring OD at 550 nm in absence of ubiquinol? If yes, the what will act as the electron donor for Complex III?
24 February 2016 8,135 3 View
I ran an array based q PCR and obtained data for fold change in genes. I followed this up by running end pint PCR followed by a gel. But the fold change in my end point PCR is not the same as as...
28 August 2015 2,192 2 View
I ran a gradient PCR and there seems to be amplification at 52 and 54 degree celcius but not at 53 degree celcius. What could this possibly mean? My primer and DNA template concentrations were the...
11 April 2015 9,118 5 View