14 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vanadium Bismuth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsGE9qeydlw It is a microwave fluidized bed. I think the transparent part of it quartz but how is the quartz connected to the steel jacket? What kind of...
01 January 2018 5,597 3 View
What process should be done to the pyrolysis oil to obtain diesel which can run power back up generators. Should vacuum distillation with catalyst be used? Or Are there any other process to do...
11 November 2017 9,342 0 View
Can you classify them according to regional availability of materials in India? How do buildings differ from urban and rural areas? What are the most common types of building materials used? What...
07 July 2015 4,373 0 View
What are the practices in construction in other countries which is different from India? Does codes in other countries facilitate the use of innovative materials. If so, what are they? Concrete...
07 July 2015 351 0 View
Concrete and Masonry are the most used materials. How can the usage of these materials be optimized? Do you have suggestions of potential improvements for material optimization for construction...
07 July 2015 3,246 0 View
I am using the predefined field option in abaqus and I am going to use a empty static load step to allow it to reach equilibrium. Should I apply boundary conditions , Which boundary conditions...
06 June 2015 4,660 1 View
I am doing a parametric study on buckling on beams as shown in the attachment. I should use shell elements to model the I sections. I have to take initial sway of the beam and residual stresses...
05 May 2015 9,453 0 View
I want to generate I beam sections but I want to model it using shell elements.
05 May 2015 7,219 1 View
I am a beginner. It seems to take forever to model a few simple I beams (shell elements) and assemble it into frame. There has to be some other better and faster way to do it.
05 May 2015 5,329 1 View
I would like to figure out Mcr(elastic critical moment) and Mpl (Maximum plastic moment) in a beam due to buckling in abaqus. How to model material non linearity. How to model geometric...
05 May 2015 1,784 4 View
Does the boundary condition in Lt beam and abaqus match. I feel the model in abaqus is unconstrained. How to model the boundary conditions.
05 May 2015 829 1 View
I am modelling a beam with shell elements and to take the properties of the radius of the fillet into account I have to include the additional area as beam element. So is it possible to couple...
05 May 2015 4,861 4 View
I would have to take residual stress in steel beams, initial imperfections and material non linearity into account. (GMNIA) . I would like to decide between RFEM and ANSYS. I need to perform a...
05 May 2015 6,265 1 View
From my understanding, Torsion and out of plane rotation should be restrained at both the supports. All displacement should be restrained at one support and In the other support, All displacement...
05 May 2015 9,876 3 View