5 Questions 42 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Travis G. Gerwing
Is anyone aware of any literature (published or gray) that discusses the cost/benefits of transporting, by truck, fish downstream of a dam? Specifically, the costs of the program, the survival of...
01 January 2018 9,259 8 View
Dear friends I am trying to estimate ghost shrimp population densities on intertidal mudflats. Alas their burrows seem to stretch 40-100cm and can easily avoid all of the corers I am aware of. Is...
08 August 2016 9,933 4 View
I am looking to find an alternative to the classic bell-ringer exam for a General Zoology laboratory course. I am not a huge fan of exams, but you can't deny that they force students to come to...
10 October 2014 5,538 6 View
Hello allI am an R novice and I apologize if my question is very basic. I am trying to find a code to run a GLMM for all possible permutations of my variable set. I need to have the AICc, AICcw,...
07 July 2014 4,989 2 View
I have recently begun teaching at a University, and like most educators I am struggling as to if I should allow laptops in my class or not. On the one hand, they allow students to access the notes...
07 July 2014 244 7 View