9 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tatia Kuljanishvili
In different literature, the same measurements of the fish are written differently, with different abbreviations. For example: Body depth or body height Anal fin length or anal fin height I...
12 December 2018 5,083 0 View
Please, anyone explain what does Nōmen est ōmen mean? It was mentioned in Plauto's composition El Persa. Slave is telling his owner "Nōmen est ōmen" to buy a new slave which is expensive, and...
11 November 2018 537 2 View
Dear researchers, I need your help! Here I am attaching picture of tiny Oxynoemacheilus sp. I was wondering how is it possible to count number of scales in Lateral line when fish has got such...
11 November 2018 9,829 15 View
Dear researchers, I was wondering what does forehead width (In Russian, shirina lba) mean in fish morphometrics? I mean, how to measure it? From where to where? Is it same as inter orbital...
11 November 2018 5,061 2 View
Hello dear researchers, I was wondering, what kind of motivations for introduction of new species, have you heard/read of? (I don't count most frequent cases like aquaculture, trade or ornamental...
10 October 2018 7,058 16 View
Hello dear researchers, I am trying to morphologically identify Syngnathus spice from Syngnathidae family. Everything fits to S. acus, however number of trunk rings in case of S. acus is 17 but...
09 September 2018 8,684 9 View
In my case: N1=86 N2=229 b1=2.12 b2=3.14
03 March 2016 4,150 11 View
Hello, I need professional help. Is it possible to make a risk assessment of the fish, which is marine, and translocated to fresh waters, within the same country? preliminary, I performed...
01 January 1970 3,450 3 View
Dear Researchers, I'am estimating the age of Carassius gibelio individuals by counting the scale rings. However I found it difficult to estimate the age of young individuals (less than 15 cm). Are...
01 January 1970 5,941 5 View