18 Questions 88 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sunil Kumar Sahu
Some journals have both open access as well closed access format. For the open access, a publication fee is levied, while for the closed access format no publication fee is required. I am looking...
04 April 2019 5,705 2 View
Generally during the transportation, DNA is often degraded, specially the High Molecular Weight DNA which is extremely fragile to external shocks. I am looking for suggestions/recommendations...
12 December 2018 7,552 24 View
While literature survey I found DarkHorse which can predict horizontal gene transfer (HGT) Candidate Resource from bacterial and archaeal genomes. I want to know if my candidate proteins has been...
11 November 2017 1,597 6 View
I am following the protocol (Pan et al 2010, http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v5/n6/full/nprot.2010.37.html) for the plant hormone extraction.In the step 8, it is mentioned to concentrate the...
12 December 2016 10,203 3 View
I am looking for a list of the most Resistant and Susceptible rice cultivars against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) causing Bacterial leaf blight disease.
11 November 2016 1,342 0 View
I have tried Popgen32, but I am looking for an user friendly and best software for analyzing the AFLP and RAPD scoring data set.
11 November 2013 4,701 8 View
As we all know that due to the lapse in government funding, the NCBI's bankit service is also closed. Therefore, I was wondering Is there any alternative database to submit nucleotide sequences?
10 October 2013 1,551 5 View
Can anyone suggest a cheap and the most suitable DNA purification method or kit?
05 May 2013 9,264 19 View
In Bruguiera genus which one is the correct spelling "gymnorrhiza" or "gymnorhiza" (Double "R" or Single "R"). I have seen few publications and sequences where randomly the spellings has been...
02 February 2013 4,727 6 View
What is the exact difference between precipitating DNA with ethanol v/s isopropanol and which one is the better choice. Why it is recommended to use chilled ethanol/isopropanol only?
01 January 2013 6,021 34 View
In NCBI or other software, why there is no specific genetic codes for plants? Is standard genetic code also applicable for plants?
01 January 2013 5,150 1 View
What is your opinion? Has the rapid increase in the OA journal become mere business? Is it advantageous? Do you think it is diminishing the overall quality of the publication?
12 December 2012 7,243 4 View
Please suggest some good reliable software (Windows based) for RNA secondary structure prediction.
12 December 2012 8,902 10 View
Has anyone worked with treeSAAP (Selection on Amino Acid Properties) software? I am having problems while opening files using the software. It is not showing the 'tree' file. I think I have made...
12 December 2012 1,095 8 View
When I am constructing a phylogenetic tree with 1000 bootstraps in MEGA software, the tree is showing a very low bootstrap value (1, 3 and 5) for some branches. What interpretations/reasons can...
12 December 2012 2,323 17 View
If properly stored in prescribed temperature, how long can a primer be used for PCR reactions?
12 December 2012 3,643 17 View
In one paper I read that BlastX was used to remove protein encoding sequences. But didn't really understood how I should proceed.
11 November 2012 1,255 7 View
I have some information about the matk (maturase kinase) gene, which is involved in Group-II intron splicing. But recently I came across a few papers where they mentioned the usage of the matR...
11 November 2012 1,642 4 View