29 Questions 46 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sumeru Ray
A person has very little thirst, dry mouth. If he drinks water, the water is coming out through the urine, but his body lacks water. Why does this happen and what is the remedy?
17 February 2024 1,236 3 View
I have seen that when someone's genitals are itchy after a bacterial or fungal infection, the itchiness can lead to extreme sexual arousal. From this I feel that some microbes may also play a...
13 October 2023 9,186 0 View
Is the universe really that complicated, or are scientists overcomplicating it, like a blind man seeing an elephant? What do you think?
02 October 2023 5,899 1 View
How is a magnet able to do its magnetic work independently even though it is positioned within the Earth's magnetic field?
02 October 2023 2,069 1 View
Autoimmune disorder is a self-destructive disorder. As I have seen in my experience, hereditary or acquired suppressed syphilis and / or gonorrhea are the main causes. This self-destructive...
01 January 1970 6,424 2 View
While humans are preoccupied with germs and viruses, fungi are multiplying rapidly. If you observe a little, it will be seen that many people have been affected by fungal infections. No medicine...
01 January 1970 4,653 10 View
Deficiency is the cause of many diseases today. Many diseases are caused due to the deficiency of one or more of the essential elements of the body. Inflammatory damage is behind this deficiency....
01 January 1970 8,351 5 View
I once thought about the possibility of predicting earthquakes by implanting a special sensor chip in mice. But then I thought more: If this sensor chip is always in the mouse's body, it will...
01 January 1970 5,676 1 View
A promising step by Sumeru Ray towards eradication of blindness from all over the world. From various research papers we have come to know, Cataracts occur when the proteins in the lens of the...
01 January 1970 2,830 3 View
'O-U-M' is the basic sound of the universe! A long time ago in one of my articles published on SpeakingTree website, I said, 'O-U-M' is actually the basic sound of the universe. The vibration and...
01 January 1970 3,238 0 View
It is good to say first that I am not a doctor, not a researcher in biology and medical science. I am just a truth seeker. From my long experience, I have found that if a person has ever been...
01 January 1970 5,832 0 View
Complete Treatment of Diabetes (Very briefly). Formulated by Sumeru Ray (Maharishi MahaManas) If no internal organs are severely damaged then complete recovery is possible through this...
01 January 1970 1,883 2 View
One important thing that I have noticed is that many people advise diabetes patients to take bitter and astringents herbs or medicines. But these types of drugs cause the body's cells and blood...
01 January 1970 2,681 3 View
Quantum Programming Theory and Quantum Consciousness Theory According to this theory, from the primordial particles of the universe, the entire universe, including life, was created through the...
01 January 1970 2,668 3 View
Just because a person is a Science researcher in one or more subjects, it may not be the case that s/he is science minded, rational and free from blind faith in all other areas. S/he may be an...
01 January 1970 2,268 0 View
If we can combine essences from the theories of scriptures like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Acupuncture and modern medical systems, we can get a great medical science.
01 January 1970 8,493 7 View
Dear Science Lovers, I have published here a new theoretical article called 'Unravelling the mysteries of the amazing space and the creation of the universe!'. I invite you to read it and...
01 January 1970 433 5 View
According to the mindsets of a patient and the nature of his disease, that patient must have a particular organic electric wave or frequency in his body. And when a person takes a homeopathic...
01 January 1970 9,281 4 View
The high tide of coronavirus (COVID-19) has hit us again and again! And there are likely to be more deadly hits in the future. Meanwhile, preparations have been made to prevent the attack of a...
01 January 1970 5,697 5 View
For a long time, in-depth research on many cancer patients has revealed that suppressed gonorrhea and syphilis are the main causes of cancer. Also it has several other contributing factors. After...
01 January 1970 2,733 1 View
Most of the people are suffering from more or less mental distress and depression in the present difficult times. Many times our mental pain turns into physical pain. A large part of various pains...
01 January 1970 8,067 1 View
Most of the man-made problems all over the world ~ corruption, injustice, tyranny, oppression, fraud, poverty, unrest, bloodshed etc. are the root cause of people's lack of sufficient knowledge...
01 January 1970 8,273 3 View
Latent gonorrhea toxin is one of the leading causes of cataracts. I have discovered this fact in my research on cataracts, my long-term research and observation. My innovative cataract medicine...
01 January 1970 4,172 13 View
S-Existence : There is Another Existence of Everything' This theory could bring revolutionary changes in the field of medicine. Please read and give your feedback. thank...
01 January 1970 6,794 3 View
If an advancing moving (Moving in a particular direction) object (A) is accompanied by another differently moving object or device (B), unrelated to the motion of A, then the motion of 'B' will be...
01 January 1970 3,878 0 View
In ancient times, once a group of highly intelligent scientists (aliens) from outside the world, genetically modified the cells of some primitive people of this world and created several hybrid...
01 January 1970 9,674 0 View
I have said many times in various places that lack of sufficient knowledge and consciousness and physical and mental illness are the root causes of most of the human unrest and problems. One of...
01 January 1970 5,263 3 View
A timely proposal to the government and free thinking people. Hope you realize its importance and respond to my proposal in your own interest. As you must have noticed, the fertility power of the...
01 January 1970 458 1 View
With increasing age, the amount of toxins and corrosive substances and various types of waste in the body increases due to various reasons. At the same time the pollution of the mind also...
01 January 1970 4,078 9 View