9 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Stefan Kurtenbach
Where can I find a BED file (or any other file) with all chromosomal locations of piRNAs and yRNAs in the human genome? Thanks!
03 March 2019 5,102 1 View
I understand the basic concept of quantile normalization, but am wondering how exactly that works for sequencing data. Say there are two sequencing tracks, where one has more background noise. How...
05 May 2018 2,911 0 View
Is there a reference file (bed) for enhancer regions in the mouse genome (mm9) ?
07 July 2017 2,690 1 View
I'd be very grateful for some ideas... Blood plasma was generated by differential centrifugation (200g, 2000g, and 16.000g for 15 min). Frozen at -80deg for a few days. After thawing, plasma was...
04 April 2016 3,587 4 View
I am a little confused on what to focus on. miRNAs are the most important, but there are longer RNAs in exosomes too... is there a way to sequence both at the same time? Or would it be better to...
10 October 2015 269 1 View
I made measurements on three different days, comparing two different mouse strains. The data is noisy, but strain A was much better in a task than strain B, on all three days. However, the mean...
07 July 2014 6,289 25 View
I want to measure ATP release ex vivo, but fear that ATP is broken down too quickly. Any experiences? Thanks!
02 February 2014 1,897 1 View
I want to apply fluids to ex vivo samples and measure ATP in them after some time. I was wondering if I can heat the fluid samples after taking them off the tissue to say 70 deg C, to inactivate...
02 February 2014 9,428 7 View
I want to shake cells to mechanically stimulate ATP release, but am afraid that some cells will burst. Is there a good test to check the supernatant afterwards for that?
12 December 2013 7,558 6 View