17 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Srinivasan Ramani
Please visit: Heart Attack Deaths Drop Over Past Two Decades - American College of Cardiology (acc.org). It says "Researchers found the overall rate of death from heart attack, adjusted for age,...
16 May 2023 7,609 16 View
Is there a law anywhere requiring a mandatory post-mortem on the body of any person suspected of extreme anti-social behavior (EASB)? A record of available information from medical and childhood...
23 April 2019 6,957 2 View
Is there any scientific study of this possible association? There have been informal discussions and surmises, but a serious study with appropriate controls to cancel out extraneous factors is...
30 May 2018 1,077 3 View
How is walking speed affected by the clothes you wear? I spend 30 minutes a day to get my activity tracker to record thirty “active minutes”. In my case this requires a minimum of ten minutes of...
11 December 2017 1,549 4 View
An article in Consumer Affairs http://consumeraffairs.nic.in/consumer/writereaddata/CT_Paneer-13.pdf describes how most brands of paneer show microbial contamination. Obviously, there is no...
28 November 2017 3,069 2 View
Are people with diabetes and/or heart disease more likely than others to consume low-fat dairy products instead of the full-fat versions? Is there statistical evidence of this? The question is...
20 June 2017 728 3 View
There is a desire in India that the country should soon become a “cashless economy”. It is important that researchers in the fields of banking, commerce, management, ethnography, design, computer...
16 November 2016 449 6 View
Suppose I wish to go to restaurant and find it is at (12.950015N, 77.576432E). I cannot easily enter it into an app I use for ordering a cab. Can we find a more user friendly form for this...
13 April 2016 1,517 2 View
Is it possible to reduce the private ownership of cars by promoting the use of virtual cars summoned by cellphone apps? What public policy recommendations have been made worldwide and what...
01 December 2015 3,122 6 View
Using safety googles to avoid infection by Covid-19 virus will no doubt be superior to wearing run of the mill eyeglasses. It might be however be worth investigating this, If it turns out the...
01 January 1970 3,177 7 View
A lot of information is now becoming available, connecting specific genes with specific diseases. Sometimes the disease is due to specific mutations on these genes. How do you use this...
01 January 1970 9,912 2 View
Has anyone studied of SARS survivors to see if they show some immunity against Covid-19 infection? There is supposed to be considerable similarity between the two viruses. What does the...
01 January 1970 509 2 View
The other day I heard two professionals comment on vaccine development in India. One of them said that animals like hamsters, ferrets etc. usually used in Vaccine research are not available in...
01 January 1970 9,624 3 View
There are prohibitions in a few cultures, including Indian cultures, that seemed to be related to the notion of ritual impurity. Sharing a cup, vessel or cutlery while eating or drinking beverages...
01 January 1970 9,218 3 View
A report from the prestigious CDC in the US Alcohol and Cancer Risk Fact Sheet - NCI says: “Based on data from 2009, an estimated 3.5% of cancer deaths in the United States (about 19,500 deaths)...
01 January 1970 9,239 0 View
It would have been controversial to raise questions about the Vaccination-Vitiligo link while the Pandemic was raging. Now that the Pandemic is under control, we must seek the truth. There are...
01 January 1970 6,952 3 View
I quote from an NCOA article: To locate this article, do a web search for the query Falls Prevention Facts The site is “https://www.ncoa.org/” “Falls are the leading cause of injury-related...
01 January 1970 3,135 1 View