8 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sourabh Munjal
Dear all Please suggest, if an author can use his/her own developed scale in one paper ( accepted, yet to be published in one journal) to carry another research for another paper. If yes how do...
10 April 2021 8,995 3 View
Dear All, Can we use software like bibexcel. VoSviewer with the "ris" or "bib" files downloaded from the Journals page. Usually, a database from WoS or Scopus or PubMed is used, but if one does...
02 May 2020 9,758 6 View
Dear Members, Please suggest If the factor analysis results in two variable (having seven and six items), (AVE > 0.6, Factor Loading > 0.6, Cronbach alpha > 0.8., CR > 0.8 should...
11 July 2019 271 5 View
What is accepted value for RMSEA In CFA,
30 March 2019 8,996 7 View
I want to measure impact of flex-time (in depended) on job satisfaction (Depended) Data is to be collected on the like rt scale. Can we measure positive or negative impact on job satisfaction...
14 February 2017 9,320 3 View
I am doing research on FDI in retail. To examine "consumer’s perception towards FDI in retail." I had collected data from two cities meerut and agra. What type of test I should apply to analysis...
24 November 2016 1,222 10 View
Dear Sir/Ma’am I am undertaking a research on the topic “Flexible work arrangements and work life integration”. You are kindly requested to provide sincere opinion or response to the questions...
01 January 1970 5,069 4 View
Dear All Please suggest any reference if we can use simple addition to calculate the scores after applying the factor analysis. (e.g. if Factor analysis generate three variables with 3-4 items in...
01 January 1970 1,969 13 View