6 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Souptik Bhattacharya
Is there any method to release or extract the drug molecules from beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complex? I want to release a drug from the complex, can I degrade or dissolve the cyclodextrin part?
09 September 2019 1,932 2 View
What is the analytical method and instrument required to detect the drug which formed inclusion complex with beta cyclodextrin? How can it be detected?
09 September 2019 4,237 1 View
I used Autodock VINA for docking.
06 June 2019 308 8 View
I need to know the mechanism of action, so is there any in silico technique? Please suggest some liturature if you can. Thanking you in anticipation.
06 June 2019 5,853 4 View
Can I select the resistant strain from a susseptible strain population using any method or do I have to purchase it from strain repository?
03 March 2019 4,764 8 View
Allicin is a natural antibiotic phytochemical. It has other properties like anticancer, anti-tumor, anti arthritic, antidiabetic etc. However, it is very unstable in nature. What are the possible...
01 January 1970 8,104 3 View