8 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Somya Asthana
I need to perform QSAR and pharmacokinetic study in silico. Please guide me with any server or software which i can freely access and which is quite reliable as per results are concerned.
18 December 2015 423 12 View
I am activating Dowex 50 resin for column chromatography. I need to know whether after following the activation protocol, it is activated or not. Can anyone help me?
14 August 2015 1,710 2 View
I need to know about peptide designing and how it is done. I need to know how to add/ delete or replace amino acids from the protein structure. Which software can help me in doing this?
11 August 2015 7,458 4 View
I need to run a column using Dowex 50. I did it once but i m unsure about its reuse. If it can be then how can we reactivate dowex 50. I tried doing it by ethanol but i am not getting the proper...
11 August 2015 372 5 View
I need to calculate the rmsd values after the docking. How do we do that? Is anything related to it dlg file? In dlg file where the values are given because there are reference rmsd values given...
06 August 2015 6,305 4 View
I have been using MODELLER, but I am facing problems while running the following command prompt: C:/model>build_profile.py I checked the file. I have saved it properly, with the proper file...
16 October 2014 6,764 4 View
A ligand showing different effect at different pH. I wanted to study the interaction of the ligand with DNA. So how will i study those at different pH environment through molecular docking...
10 October 2014 5,960 3 View
I tried to open the pdb docked files of discovery studio in ligplot. First i opened the file in chimera. It was successfully showing the docked structure of ligand and protein but while opening it...
08 October 2014 1,830 5 View