17 Questions 28 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shalu Pathak
Generally, we always try to give low input to operate a device. What are the minimum values of voltage for CMOS technology and magnetic field for spintronics technology?
25 July 2020 5,851 2 View
which is better for thin film growth, electron beam evaporation or sputtering? which results in better film quality?
25 July 2020 6,549 4 View
Why we can not observe QHE or QAHE in bulk samples? what is the restriction? and why we do not have this effect at high temperatures? how these effect can be utilized at low temperatures?
17 March 2018 529 3 View
What are the technique which can measure band strucutre at symmetry point and can distinguish the type of band for example s or p type?
11 November 2017 8,878 2 View
it is difficult to understand for me that how spin hall effect can give rise spin current. charge current is split into spin up and spin down on the lateral edges. now there is no imbalence. then...
29 October 2017 9,216 5 View
I want to measure the heat capacity of my oxide thin film. Is it possible to measure it by DSC technique?
29 October 2017 674 3 View
I want to grow oxide thin film. which technique can be the best one. please help me
29 October 2017 405 20 View
Both spin orbit coupling and external magnetic field show zeeman splitting. then why only external field or magnetic impurity in TI break time reversal symmetry and not spin orbit...
25 October 2017 353 12 View
Can someone please explain that how to calculate moment/magnetic ion in thin films?
13 May 2017 7,364 7 View
There are some experiments, which can not be done because of large contribution of substrate, which hinders the material's property. Could someone please suggest me how can I separate my film from...
16 March 2017 2,175 9 View
Generally high spin-orbit interaction dephase the spin in materials. then how topological insulators with lage spin orbit interaction can show large spin polarization? please explain thank you!
06 March 2017 6,424 4 View
Please suggest me how can I subtract the diamagnetic and paramagnetic contribution from a ferromagnetic sample? is there any correction factor (standard way)? Thank you
03 September 2016 4,100 7 View
I have some problem in the XRD measurements. I am not able to see any peak in my XRD data when I use the script file. When I do not use script file, some peaks are there but no peak from Si(100)...
24 August 2016 9,138 6 View
I have seen that authors use different formula for lattice mismatch calculation. can someone please tell me the exact formula for lattice mismatch calculation? I am using GaAs(111) substrate and a...
20 August 2016 4,500 10 View
Could someone explain in simple way the difference between spin pumping and spin injection in spintronics? Thanks !
04 August 2015 3,379 6 View
I want to grow topological insulator (BiSb)2Te3. I do not have any idea about how to change flux ratio when changing the concentration of Bi/Sb. I know the flux ration in case of Bi2Te3 (Te/Bi=15)...
11 May 2015 1,517 3 View
Every metal has its own work function. if several metals are used in multilayer structures such as [Co/Ni] multilayer what will be the effect of the work function of the electrode? Can these...
01 January 1970 8,584 5 View