25 Questions 42 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sergei Azemsha
The number of passengers entering and exiting at each stop is the basis for optimizing bus operations in cities. Currently, there are many technical solutions available to calculate passenger...
26 December 2023 2,321 0 View
Public transport routes and timetables in citys are determined through a collaborative effort between local transport authorities and public transport companies. Local authorities are responsible...
05 April 2023 9,089 1 View
In my city, passengers are transported by buses. The number of routes is very large. Many routes overlap. As a result, the costs of public transport from the city budget are high. The task is to...
25 January 2023 8,040 6 View
In public transport, passengers must pay a fare. However, not all of them do this for various reasons. Control services are being created to control fares. How to evaluate the effectiveness of...
28 December 2022 7,697 4 View
Dear colleagues, we have developed and placed on the road a 3D billboard aimed at agitating drivers to comply with speed limits. How to evaluate its contribution to improving road safety? Any...
15 November 2022 4,195 8 View
Everyone knows the important role of public transport in the life of cities. The impact of its schedule on passenger satisfaction is also obvious. I would be grateful if you provide links to laws...
05 September 2022 1,615 12 View
Currently, in my country, tachographs are installed only on vehicles carrying out international traffic (AETR agreement). When transporting inside the country, no devices are used to monitor the...
17 November 2021 6,270 1 View
In Europe and some other countries, there is an agreement on the regime of work and rest of drivers (AETR). Drivers' work and rest regimes are monitored using special devices - tachographs. I have...
15 September 2021 8,546 4 View
In order to optimize public transport (improve routes, timetables, etc.), we must have information about passenger traffic. Moreover, one-time examinations are not enough. It is necessary to be...
27 November 2019 8,958 5 View
I examine the distribution of some random variables in order to estimate their average value. The sample size is 116 values. Known expectation, variance and other statistical characteristics. It...
04 February 2019 9,126 3 View
The number of passengers transported per flight on the same route varies by the hour of the day, day of the week, etc. In this case, the vehicle used for transportation, as a rule, is used with a...
31 January 2019 2,124 5 View
25 January 2019 9,389 7 View
In my country road safety information campaigns have not been used as a tool to reduce road accidents. Therefore, I assume that such a measure will have a good effect. However, we have experience...
19 September 2016 4,673 7 View
Analysis of articles about using of pedestrian islands showed that different countries have their own regulations on parameters of pedestrian islands (shape, length, width, etc.), as well as their...
03 May 2016 1,360 5 View
There are many different methods for calculating the traffic light cycle. It seems that choosing the best of them can be simulated in the program PTV Vissim. Prompt please, where it is possible to...
05 November 2015 4,971 2 View
I need to evaluate the impact of the introduction of adaptive control at an intersection on the accident. I suppose it's done with a simulation in PTV vissim. Please tell me the literature, which...
11 February 2015 9,063 9 View
Hello, prompt, where you can see the data on accidents involving drivers with driving experience of 1 year in different countries?
10 February 2015 5,395 3 View
Please tell me where I can read the publication about criteria (measures), which allow to evaluate the quality of the road traffic management (such as delays cars, the number of traffic accidents,...
10 January 2015 1,531 3 View
Please tell me, or better yet give a link to the documents governing the use of adaptive control of traffic lights: the distance from the stop line to the installation site traffic detectors, the...
29 October 2014 3,212 3 View
As far as I know, the length of road traffic light signals depends on many factors. There are also the conditions under which it is necessary to separate the conflicting traffic flows in phases....
07 October 2014 8,848 1 View
There are data on the movement of passengers between transport areas at different times of the day. Also known available-buses. The question is: what routes and on what schedule should walk buses,...
06 October 2014 3,518 6 View
Man commits movement at different targets (employment, education ...). In this case, he can use a private car, and maybe in other ways - by public transport, on foot, bicycle .... Our research...
06 October 2014 7,958 4 View
I am interested in the programs themselves, as well as scientific methods of their development. Also of interest is the assessment of their effectiveness (how much money is spent/what is the...
13 May 2014 7,918 4 View
Results of the analysis of regulatory and guidance documents for the organization of traffic related issues optimization speeding traffic flows, use of humps, designing roundabouts at one level,...
08 May 2014 6,938 6 View
I want to establish the relationship between the accident rate m such features as gross domestic product, the auto industry, the number of inhabitants, the density of the road network, etc.
02 May 2014 8,120 16 View