10 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sarmad A. Jameel Altaie
- Could you please point me out to some successful Medical sciences applications using partial differential equations? - Preferably, involving heat, reaction-diffusion, Poisson, or Wave equation....
10 February 2018 8,855 5 View
Could you please point me out to some successful Signal, image, or video processing real life applications using partial differential equation? Preferably, involving heat, reaction-diffusion,...
06 February 2018 861 4 View
Could you please point me out to some successful nanotechnology real life applications modeled by using partial differential equation? Preferably, involving heat, reaction-diffusion, Poisson, or...
06 February 2018 5,266 3 View
What will be a successful mixture? for what end? could you please steer me towards some good references that have applications, and solution by approximate analytical methods? Many thanks and...
26 January 2018 6,348 5 View
If you think it is for the best, please give an example where it made things easier or made a better model, and if possible some applications. Otherwise please give your reasons with example what...
17 January 2018 7,816 7 View
Given a 3×3 table with values in the range from 0 to 255. First, the difference between each boundary cell and the center cell is calculated to result in a data set of 8 elements. After that, the...
15 January 2018 6,572 30 View
Is there a problem with submitting a manuscript to more than one Journal at the same time and then publish in the first to respond (not to waist time waiting for the review process that sometimes...
11 January 2018 4,716 71 View
What is a helpful tactic for evaluating the quality of your academic writing from the perspective of the reader? and what are the main elements to be assessed while proofreading your final draft?
04 December 2017 7,232 15 View
Each time you finish a work and you like to publish in the suitable journal you face many challenges: - A journal with the suitable area. - A journal with open access. - A real indexed journal. -...
02 December 2017 8,250 22 View
This discussion is the hot topic nowadays between me and some colleagues. Is one of these databases better than the other? what are the criterion for this preference? are these two are the best?...
01 January 1970 6,493 37 View