9 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sarah Carl
I was wondering if you can properly condition a MEA by using humidified hydrogen on the anode side and humidified argon on the cathode side? Does it impact the proton conductivity of the...
01 January 2017 2,527 3 View
Some examples are crotonaldehyde changes color when exposed to light or air and azobenzene changes color when exposed to light. I am wondering if the color change indicates a change in the...
10 October 2016 450 2 View
Hi, I am trying to make a Tafel plot for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) 2 electrode cell (it is actually a PEM cell). I know that HER is 0V but I was wondering how to determine the...
09 September 2016 2,810 1 View
My system is not equipped with a potentiostat, so I was wondering if it will be okay to use a multimeter to measure the resistance. I noticed that at no current, the resistance increases so I...
08 August 2016 8,179 2 View
My reactant is only 1 mol% of the total flow rate, so I was wondering if you account for only the reactant flow rate when calculating for the theoretical calculation? I am following the...
08 August 2016 527 4 View
I was wondering what the best procedure is to determine the impedance for a PEM cell? I have done some EIS experiments at 0 A but there are some scattering data points when obtaining the data...
08 August 2016 3,992 4 View
I am trying to build pressure on the anode side; however, I noticed that there is a small gas flow from the cathode side. Pressure does build up when I close off the cathode side, so I was...
08 August 2016 3,457 4 View
I usually condition the MEA by running the gases overnight and then apply a constant potential of 0.6V for an hour, but I am having an issue of not being able to apply a current above 0.1A.
03 March 2016 429 5 View
It is important to condition the MEA when you first use the MEA, but do you have to hold a voltage each time? Thank you in advance.
03 March 2016 6,508 6 View