9 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sandip Pchoudhury
Dear Sir/Mam, Considering the scale, we measure the distance between the centre and the bright spot of the diffraction pattern. This should tally with the reciprocal of the d-spacing and the...
10 August 2018 9,490 2 View
Greetings! Can someone help me to list some unsolved problems in condensed matter physics (in nanomaterials), the answers to which can be found by standard lab experiments and theoretical...
29 September 2016 2,762 5 View
I am depositing SnO2 thin film using spray pyrolysis in ITO glass. The resistance of ITO is about 15 ohm. When I deposit the film, the resistance between the upper surface and film and the lower...
11 March 2015 4,846 15 View
I am using a Hioki LCR meter for frequency dependent study of thin film. I don't have a bottom electrode in my thin film. I have the film deposited on the glass substrate. Thereafter I have pasted...
18 July 2014 6,176 1 View
What are the parameters that can be evaluated from a IV-characteristic curve of a thin film? My IV output is a straight line following the ohms law. It would be helpful if sum one can help me on...
11 July 2014 8,945 5 View
If I synthesize nanoparticles and then use it to deposit thin films using thermal deposition technique, then will it generate good results.
08 May 2014 8,557 10 View
How much of the precursor solution should be sprayed on the substrate so that an appreciable and even thin film is deposited? Spraying condition: Substrate Dist: 30 Cm Spray Rate: 5ml/min Carried...
30 April 2014 7,576 3 View
Drop Casting method?
13 September 2013 7,298 5 View
The ZnO synthesis generated too many peaks as attached. What can be the possible reason for that?
01 January 1970 701 3 View