What are the parameters that can be evaluated from a IV-characteristic curve of a thin film? My IV output is a straight line following the ohms law. It would be helpful if sum one can help me on how do I calculate the different parameters?
Not much, I am afraid. If the IV curve is ohmic then you can only get the resistance/conductance from the slope of the curve. Perhaps some idea about impurity content from the magnitude of the resistance. IV curves at different temperatures can give useful information regarding the charge carrier scattering mechanisms.
Not much, I am afraid. If the IV curve is ohmic then you can only get the resistance/conductance from the slope of the curve. Perhaps some idea about impurity content from the magnitude of the resistance. IV curves at different temperatures can give useful information regarding the charge carrier scattering mechanisms.
I think that the question should be what parameters do you want to obtain?
If you are measuring a 2-point resistance and you can make your own contacts then by varying the distance between the contacts and measuring a series of contacts with different distances you can separate the contact resistance from the film resistance (aka transmission line measurements). You can further extract the resistivity if you apply a four point measurements, such as in a linear or VdP geometries. Once you separate the contact resistance from the film, variation of the temperature can provide further insight to conduction mechanisms and more.
Sounds interesting. Two I am planning to do a four probe measurement. Varying the voltage and obtaining the current. I am afraid the setup does not play with temperature that much. I can only select a hi or low temperature. Any suggestions?
Then you have just one variable to play. With 4 probe set up you surely get the pure resistance, I mean sheet resistance as you are probing a thin film, but if it has the straight line characteristics then nothing else you can derive from that.