7 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sandeep Singh
I.e. what is the protein extraction process from drosophila head with protein extract buffer composition along with step wise protocol for gel running condition upto transfer?
05 May 2014 2,686 1 View
I want to run the 18% gel so please tell me what should be the condition for that staring from running voltage upto transfer on membrane. For isolation of protein from drosophila head for western...
06 June 2013 4,489 4 View
I would like to separate and identify the whole polyphenolic component present in an herbal extract. So can anybody please help me by providing full details or respective protocols which I should...
12 December 2012 5,380 43 View
I am working on AD using drosophila model system. I want to go for the western blotting from the head region of drosophila, So can anyone help me by providing the following details- 1. what should...
10 October 2012 3,704 8 View
Can anyone help me by providing a detailed protocol for western blot in drosophila model of AD?
05 May 2012 3,062 1 View
Can anyone please suggest what Ishould do for the isolation of different components from the crude herbal extract?
04 April 2012 1,844 12 View
If i want to clone our desire gene with GFP in pUAST vector, then can anyone please tell me that how I should proceed?........
10 October 2011 2,875 6 View