8 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sammy Mustafa
I'm more focused on the miRNA than RISC. Does the miRNA degrade after cleaving mRNA?
10 October 2019 9,345 1 View
I conducted a miRNA PCR and I was wondering if miRNA that is bound to a mRNA is expressed in the results from my PCR. Thank you!
09 September 2019 7,505 7 View
The pseuodgene I'm researching has affected the miRNA levels in my cell culture (I found out through qPCR). However, I thought that pseudogenes just bind to the miRNA rather than affect its gene...
08 August 2019 2,003 2 View
I am currently using the "qSTAR miRNA qPCR Detection System" protocol. I have isolated my miRNA cDNA, with my control concentration being 0.852 μg/μl and my transfected concentration being 0.637...
07 July 2019 4,347 5 View
I was wondering if anyone had any tricks to locate the exact spot of the scratch for a scratch assay. For example, I know some people in my lab have drawn a grid on their plates. Thank you!
07 July 2019 1,463 2 View
Addgene recommends the growth strain to be DH5alpha but we have NEB 5-alpha in my lab. Please let me know if my bacterial transformation can still work! https://www.addgene.org/35008/
12 December 2018 4,037 1 View
I am trying to do a stable transfection in the T98G cell line. I want a transaction reagent with a high transfection efficiency. A list of reagents would be preferable. Thank you!
09 September 2018 1,185 0 View
I want to use a plasmid that is HA tagged. My research is in vitro and I am bit confused on what to do. Thank you!
09 September 2018 6,848 4 View