63 Questions 386 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sadeem Fadhil
As it was well known before that most of the international university rankings are taking their data for the published papers mostly from Thomson Reuters (now Clarivate) database, however there...
03 March 2018 6,415 2 View
The gravity affects the time and leads to its dilation, why this should not be happened also to space, is the length contraction previously found in special relativity lead to this prohibition?
11 November 2016 3,127 55 View
The aim of this question is sharing experiences of different authors (good or bad) about the peer reviewing process of different peer reviewed journals (of course you can say name here) specially...
09 September 2016 3,638 0 View
I upgraded my windows from 7 to 10 then I found that some software are not working with windows 10, so I decided to downgrade to windows 7. This happened within the first month of installation of...
08 August 2016 7,513 0 View
We have a situation that requires us to have two corresponding authors for our manuscript. Does anyone know any journals or publishers in materials science that accept two corresponding authors.
06 June 2016 6,220 3 View
Are there any criteria to recognize the glassy phases through XRD, How can we analyse their percentage?
05 May 2016 1,208 5 View
What are the required conditions to form glassy phases in metals? What are the required tests to prove their existence?
05 May 2016 4,989 0 View
I want to know what are the best foam materials that can best absorb energy in compression. What is the highest registered value? Can this be increased?
04 April 2016 7,599 7 View
I want to know if it's allowed to publish an article on a peer reviewed journal after uploading it on the personal account of research gate. Anyone has such experience, please share it with us so...
02 February 2016 3,290 33 View
Does there anyone has an experience with ISI (in web of science) journals which accept reviewing of theories out of main stream?
02 February 2016 3,173 3 View
The citations is an important factor to evaluate the impact of any work, however within last decade, due to some faults in the evaluation system, this factor seems not to describe the real impact...
02 February 2016 2,381 11 View
What is the more precise procedure in determining the yield point, is it from the bending of the curve of stress strain or from the 0.2% or 0.1% procedure?
01 January 2016 2,254 17 View
I want to know the simplest structures that BO model failed to descripe precisly.
01 January 2016 10,110 9 View
I know most of the answers will say infinity, but still this needs deeper look about its physical meaning and does it consider a practical logic? Infinity usually used for something we could not...
01 January 2016 9,615 94 View
If there is an observer A in an airplane and he is eating his snack in 5 min. Another observer B on the same airplane she is watching him and recording the time for eating the snack with her...
12 December 2015 9,741 17 View
I got two results which are totally different when applying EDX SEM at two different directions perpendicular on each other for an aluminum metal. What 's the interpretation for such result?
11 November 2015 960 19 View
I want to know is the reduced modulus can give an indication of materials failure after performing mechanical tests like compression or tension?
11 November 2015 7,920 9 View
I want to know is the broken down of BOA in graphene has been solved or not yet, See the link http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v6/n3/full/nmat1846.html what are the other cases where the BOA is...
11 November 2015 8,950 17 View
I want to know what is the expected time measured by photon's clocks. Even if you said its infinity or frozen or whatever, but Why physically please?
08 August 2015 1,672 9 View
For entangled particles the measurements of a physical property related to entanglement leads to collapsing of wave function to a certain state instead of two states previously. This against...
08 August 2015 4,617 70 View
How can we slow glaciers dissolving and sea level increasing? http://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/2014-state-climate-sea-level What are the innovative ideas about...
07 July 2015 8,289 0 View
I want to know, if an author uploads an article on his profile in research gate and gets a DOI number, Can he submit his article again to a peer reviewed journal? Does this make a copy right issue?
07 July 2015 3,495 2 View
The review papers have benefits in analyzing and assessing novel works in certain subject within certain specialization. In addition these review papers usually bring with them higher number of...
06 June 2015 2,078 0 View
I want to know what are the pros and cons of DFT theory, where it is best applied and where it shows bad correlation with experiments.
06 June 2015 3,382 0 View
I wonder if there is a modern theory that adopts the realistic school interpretation for the quantum phenomena even with some differences from the old realistic school?
06 June 2015 1,283 0 View
I wonder is a theory of gravity that assumes constancy of speed of light globally will make any progress towards building a quantum theory of gravity?
05 May 2015 8,407 4 View
I want to know for different materials categories what are the best methods to prepare bulky materials for nano and meso scale ranges?
04 April 2015 8,621 2 View
I want to know what are the best methods to prepare graphene? Is there any possibility that PVD can also be used for this or its totally inappropriate?
04 April 2015 2,997 9 View
I want to know for mesoscale materials can the strain hardening exponent have a value above 0.5 specially for aluminum alloys? please see this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_hardening
04 April 2015 9,948 21 View
I want to know what are the best candidates from molecular dynamics simulation softwares that can work well in mutiscale modeling with Abaqus. Please, if you can list more than one with the...
03 March 2015 645 0 View
I want to know in your opinion what is the cheapest spray method, which you may think its the best candidate for being adopted for commercialization in certain branch?
03 March 2015 3,729 4 View
Nanomechanics is defined in Wikipedia as " is a branch of nanoscience studying fundamental mechanical (elastic, thermal and kinetic) properties of physical systems at the nanometer scale." Why the...
03 March 2015 9,110 1 View
I want to know what is the best prepared registered material with highest compression strength and what its value is? How can we enhance the compression strength for any material like metal...
03 March 2015 6,990 7 View
I want to know what are the best ways to increase the Young's modulus of any material and what are the maximum attainable values as known from experiments?
03 March 2015 9,025 14 View
I want to know if there are works on casting metals using spray techniques, and what are your opinion about that?
03 March 2015 5,390 8 View
The reports of temperature rise within last two years are really surprising for all researchers in the field, what are the causes? Please see this...
01 January 2015 6,710 12 View
The uncertainty principle is one of the basics of quantum mechanics. I want to know are there any differences in applying it to bosons like photons and fermions like electrons? The speed of light...
12 December 2014 8,340 16 View
I want to know what is the best choice to model the a mesh of fibers in metal matrix composite using the Abacus FEM simulia software.
12 December 2014 5,239 3 View
A researcher claimed that black holes do not exist the link...
12 December 2014 3,028 60 View
I want to know whether Lorentz symmetry is conserved for all the velocity ranges or not? Is the Lorentz invariance completely related to Lorentz symmetry; i.e. if Lorentz symmetry conserved then...
12 December 2014 8,467 56 View
Is the finite element method eligible to manipulate problems in molecular up to nano scales? if yes How and what's your suggested procedure? Can downscaling used in FEM?
11 November 2014 1,119 8 View
I want to know what are the best candidate models that are expected to achieve some success in manipulating the mechanical and thermal and electrical properties of nano composite materials? What...
10 October 2014 6,704 7 View
I want to know what's the physical meaning of the reduced mass? if we try to connect it with quantum mechanics is the wave function of the reduced mass of two bodies has any physical meaning?
10 October 2014 7,957 6 View
Its well known that the yielded mass from combining two particles is lesser than the summation of their free masses. The reduced mass is also lesser than the summation of their individual masses....
10 October 2014 504 4 View
I want to understand physically why the observed mass is increased as the particle speed increased to relativistic speeds. Is the potential energy of the particle affected by this increase?
10 October 2014 8,159 22 View
I want to know what are the reasons of this interference. How does quantum mechanics look for this interference? Does the photon interfere with itself or are the waves accompanied with it...
10 October 2014 5,515 59 View
The wave function is complex, Why? Can the time and position for elementary particles have a complex relation (transformation) relative to our time and position?
09 September 2014 8,580 77 View
I want to know the sources of errors that prevent us from using Schrodinger equation to find the eigenvalues of energy for atoms that have electrons more than one? What are the best models for the...
09 September 2014 4,406 18 View
The drifts that are happened in nano indentation measurements are usually said that they are due to thermal fluctuations. But is it the only reason or there are some others. Can we avoid it or...
08 August 2014 2,970 14 View
The equivalence principle is locally applied in GR. At the same time light is bent due to gravity, I just want to know is there a relation between them locally?
08 August 2014 9,642 79 View
Until now there is no cumulative model that can be adopted to describe the mechanical properties of nano materials. What are the difficulties? and what are the best candidate models that may...
08 August 2014 9,357 7 View
A spacecraft of length L0 moves in negligible speed between two observers A and B at different gravitational potential. If A is at the region of higher gravitational potential, will B measure a...
08 August 2014 6,207 67 View
The bending of light is happening according to general relativity because light follows the curvature of spacetime. This is what the standard text books of GR said. If we look to the problem from...
07 July 2014 1,859 59 View
Until now, nanoscale materials have no standard theory that can describe their mechanical properties. What are the best theories that might be good candidate for this mission?
06 June 2014 5,946 7 View
One of the most important assumptions in general relativity is assuming that the speed of light changes with gravitational potential change. Is this assumption proved experimentally? Is it valid...
04 April 2014 9,433 65 View
The latest discovery of the BICEP2 shed new light on negative gravity. Nevertheless it's still a theoretical assumption and there are no experiments that prove it. What is the probability that two...
03 March 2014 8,188 16 View
In different galaxies there appear different gas structures. What is the mechanism adapting certain gases in certain galaxies while excluding the other gases?
11 November 2013 9,167 1 View
The Higgs boson interaction gives mass to matters according to standard model. Does that represent the reason of space time curvature in general relativity?
10 October 2013 3,840 5 View
The special theory of relativity assumes space time is formed from fixed points with sticks and clocks to measure length and time respectively. The electromagnetic waves are transmitted at the...
09 September 2013 1,418 9 View
It's been a long journey for researches which tried to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity but with no valuable clear result until now. Do you think that the fault may be in general...
08 August 2013 2,805 90 View
Is the percolation theory a good candidate for that?
07 July 2013 798 8 View
In quantum mechanics we cant get rid of probability, but can we conserve locality by using new mathematics and new assumptions?
06 June 2013 6,710 4 View
In high energy physics experiments there appeared differences between the experimental results and Lorentz invariance form , do you think that this is due to Lorentz invariance violation or due...
06 June 2013 5,940 29 View