6 Questions 42 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rouhollah Basirat
Hi everyone! How we can design the blasting pattern for underground spaces? Is it different for large cross section tunnels (2 stages excavation or sequential stages)? Is there any software for...
28 August 2017 2,356 14 View
Hi everyone! There are some guidelines for the use of specialist products for mechanized tunnelling (TBM) such as ITA report on April 2016 and EFNARC on April 2005 but they are not completed. Do...
02 November 2016 9,626 4 View
Hi everyone! I’ve worked and designed on the conventional tunnels such as NATM. But, in this time I’m beginning about excavation with TBM and I want know about the instrument in these tunnel. Is...
27 September 2016 6,119 3 View
Hi everyone! Some researchers believe that in the depth (more than 15 meters) there is no liquefaction potential for sand layers. Is it true? Is there any example and reference? And is there any...
11 September 2016 2,273 21 View
Hi everyone Is there any definition of safety level for railway tunnels including fire system, alignment system, rescue tunnel, and etc for railway tunnels? What are safety levels for design of...
10 September 2016 2,653 7 View
I'm working on the design of high speed railway tunnel in these days. I need any information about the design of these tunnels, cross section of tunnel, standards andguidlines, design...
09 August 2016 5,142 8 View